Burnside or Lower Bridge shortly after the battle. Toombs' men
were on the bluff in background. Courtesy, Library of
Burnside Takes the Lower Bridge
During the morning of the 17th, Confederate observers
on the ridge north of Sharpsburg had spotted masses of Federals moving
southward beyond Antietam Creek. These were the four divisions of
Burnside's IX Corps concentrating for the attack on the Lower
Topography at the Lower Bridge heavily favored the
few hundred Georgia men who defended it under the leadership of Brig.
Gen. Robert Toombs. The road approaching the east end of the bridge
swings on a course paralleling that of Antietam Creek; in the last few
hundred yards before reaching the bridge, the road plunges into a
funnel-like depression between the opposing bluffs of the creek. Toombs'
men were in rifle pits on the west bluff overlooking the bridge and the
approach road.
Because of faulty reconnaissance, Burnside did not
know that fords were nearby where his men could have waded across the
stream. Instead, the Federal plan of attack forced the advancing
columns to pile into this funnel and storm across the bridge.

Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside. From photograph by Brady or
assistant. Courtesy, Library of Congress.
Soon after 9 a.m., the Federal divisions began to
assault the bridge. One after another, their gallant charges were broken
by deadly short-range fire from Toombs' Georgians. By noon, when the
agony at the Sunken Road was reaching its highest pitch, and despite
repeated orders from McClellan to get across Antietam Creek at all
costs, the bottleneck at the bridge was still unbroken.
Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. Isaac Rodman's Union division
had moved slowly downstream from the bridge in search of a crossing.
Rounding a sharp bend in the creek, nearly a mile south, scouts came
upon shallow water at Snavely's Ford. Late in the morning Rodman crossed
the stream and began to drive against the right flank of the Georgians
guarding the bridge. About the same time, Col. George Crook's scouts
located a ford a few hundred yards above the bridge; there he sent his
brigade across. Capt. Seth J. Simonds' battery was placed in position to
command the bridge.

Burnside's men storm the bridge (top). From wartime sketch by
The same view today (bottom). Note how tree at near end of bridge has grown.
At 1 p.m., the defending Confederates saw a sudden
stir across Antietam Creek. Two regiments, the 51st New York and the
51st Pennsylvania, marched swiftly out from the cover of the wooded
hill and charged for the bridge. Supported now by converging artillery
fire, they quickly formed into columns and were over the bridge before
Confederate artillery could halt them. Soon a wide gap split the
Confederate defense. Masses of Federal troops poured across the bridge
while Rodman and Crook hammered the Confederate flanks. Burnside's men
had gained the west bank of the creek.
But again there was fateful delay as Burnside paused
to reorganize. By the time he was ready to drive the Southern
defenders from the ridge in his front, 2 critical hours had passed.
Close to 3 p.m., the mighty Federal line moved slowly
up the hill toward Sharpsburg, then gained momentum. "The movement of
the dark column," related an observer, "with arms and banners glittering
in the sun, following the double line of skirmishers, dashing forward at
a trot, loading and firing alternately as they moved, was one of the
most brilliant and exciting exhibitions of the day."

Zouaves of Burnside's IX Corps charge toward
Sharpsburg. From wartime sketch by Forbes. Courtesy, Library of
First brushing aside the depleted ranks in the rifle
pits above the bridge, the Federals struck D. R. Jones' four lonely
brigades on the hills southeast of Sharpsburgwhence every
other Confederate infantry unit had been withdrawn to reinforce the
line to the north. Unable to stem the massive Federal attack, Jones' men
were driven back toward the town.
To halt the Federal tide, Lee shifted all available
artillery south ward. By 4 p.m., however, the Federals were
approaching the village itself; only a half mile lay between them and
Lee's line of retreat to the Potomac. Disaster seemed at hand for Lee's
decimated force.