Vanderbilt Mansion
VANDERBILT MANSION National Historic Site, at Hyde
Park, N. Y., is a monument to an era. It is a magnificent example
of the palatial estates developed by financiers and industrialists in
the period between the Civil War and World War Ia time when the
United States surged into world prominence as an industrial nation and
the new age of machines created great wealth that was almost untouched
by taxation.
Focal point of the site is the mansion. Built in the
Italian Renaissance style, its architecture and its furnishings show
how strongly European art and culture influenced wealthy Americans at
the turn of the 20th century. Vanderbilt Mansion is figuratively a
palace transplanted from the Old World to the banks of the historic
Hudson River.
The extensive grounds surrounding the mansion have
been a part of great estates for almost two centuries. From natural
terraces fronting the Hudson, the grounds level off to the open woods
and lawns of an English-type park, then descend to forested seclusion in
the valley of Crum Elbow Creek. Notable specimen trees dot the
landscape, many of them from Europe and Asia. All these features combine
to provide a setting worthy of the mansion itself.
Frederick William Vanderbilt made this estate his
country home for 43 years, from 1895 until his death in 1938. Frederick
was a grandson of Cornelius Vanderbiltthe Commodorewho had
founded the family fortune in shipping and railroading.

The Vanderbilt Name and Fortune
The name Vanderbilt (originally van der Bilt) was
prominent throughout most of the 19th and early 20th centuries. This was
largely due to the wealth of the family and the importance of its
members in the transportation industry.
Cornelius Vanderbilt was a descendant of Dutch
settlers who had migrated to America in the latter half of the 17th
century. He first became interested in shipping while helping his father
in odd jobs of boating and lightering around New York Harbor. When still
a young man, he went into business for himself. He prospered, and soon
his ships were calling at ports around the world.
Railroads were expanding rapidly at the time; but not
until late in his lifeat the urging of his eldest son, William
Henrydid Cornelius Vanderbilt become interested in this new phase
of transportation. Soon the name Vanderbilt was inseparable from
railroading in the United States.
After the Commodore's death in 1877, William expanded
the Vanderbilt railroad interests in a number of systems, including the
New York Central. When he died quite suddenly in 1885, several of his
sons, left with substantial holdings of stock, increased their
participation in the active management of the roads. One of these sons
was Frederick William, future builder of Vanderbilt Mansion.

Frederick W. Vanderbilt as a young man.
Born February 2, 1856, Frederick had attended Yale
before entering his father's office. In 1878 he had married Louise
Holmes Anthony, daughter of Charles L. Anthony, prominent financier of
New York City and Newport, R.I.
Aside from his business, Vanderbilt had few active
interests, but was devoted to yachting. He was associated with Mrs.
Vanderbilt in many philanthropic endeavors, particularly those related
to young people; and he gave generously to several institutions of
higher learning. Benefited during his lifetime and provided for in his
will were Yale; Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tenn.; and the
Vanderbilt Clinic at Columbia University, built in memory of his
father. Vanderbilt avoided personal
exploitation of his benefactions just as he avoided membership in clubs
and organizations of the type that might bring his name to public
attention through officership or committee activity. This preference
for anonymity continued until his death at Hyde Park on June 29, 1938,
at the age of 82.
Vanderbilt was buried in the family mausoleum at New
Dorp, Staten Island. He left no immediate survivors, for his wife had
died in Paris 12 years earlier and they had had no children.
An accounting of the estate revealed that Vanderbilt,
although retired for some years, had retained directorships in 22
railroads and many other corporations. His chief holdings were in the
New York Central railroad system, a Vanderbilt enterprise
from its beginning. The fortune he left amounted to more than $78