Vedette II, Vanderbilt's last yacht.
A Way of Life
In the 1890's approximately nine-tenths of the wealth
of the country was controlled by one-tenth of the population. It was an
era of triumphant business enterprise when men of ambition and talent
concentrated their energies on gathering the abundant fruits of
America's burgeoning industrial might. It was a time when the income tax
had been ruled unconstitutional; a time when the captains of industry
and commerce could use their millions for pursuits and pastimes that
made even the wonders of Aladdin pale.
The great mansion was typical of these amazing
enterprises. And typically, the owners ransacked Europe for art
treasures and furnishings with which to fill them. The Vanderbilt
family alone built four of these "baronial halls." Frederick
Vanderbilt's Hyde Park mansion was matched in elegance by those of his
three brothers: George Washington Vanderbilt's Biltmore, near
Asheville, N.C., was reputed to have cost $3 million; Cornelius
Vanderbilt II built the elaborately decorated Breakers at Newport, R.I.;
William K. Vanderbilt's Spanish-Moorish mansion, Eagle's Nest, is at
Centerport, Long Island. Today, all are open to the publicmuseums
of art, memorials to an age.
A favorite pastime of wealthy sportsmen was
yachtingand in the Vanderbilt family, this was almost as fixed a
tradition as railroading. From 1889 to 1938, Frederick Vanderbilt kept
that tradition alive with a series of four large seagoing luxury craft.
During World War I, he donated the third of these, Vedette I, to
the United States Government, and it was used by the Navy for submarine
patrol in the Atlantic. The fourth ship, Vedette II, was
built at Copenhagen in 1924. This twin-screw diesel
craft158 feet long with a 23-man crewwas used by Vanderbilt
until his death.
Aside from yacht owning, there were the international
yacht races for such prizes as the America's Cup. Several times
Vanderbilt joined with other sportsmen in financing entries to these
races. In 1934, one of these entries, the Rainbow, won the cup at
The pattern of life followed by the Vanderbilt's was
typical, not only of their own Hyde Park neighbors, but of others of
their station. A more or less uniform cycle was followed year after

The Frederick Vanderbilt townhouse at Fifth Avenue and 40th
Street, New York City, razed in 1914. Courtesy Underhill Studio,
New York.
New York City was then the hub of the financial and
business world, and here were centered the formal social interests of
the wealthy. Consequently, it was essential that a townhouse be maintained
there, though not necessarily as a principal residence. Depending upon
their other interests, the members of this select group
often moved about with the seasons.
About the middle of November, the Vanderbilts would
go to New York for the opera and social season, staying at their town
house until the end of January. On weekends in this period and at
Christmas, they usually returned to Hyde Park, staying in the pavilion
after the mansion was closed up about December 1.