Frederick W. Vanderbilt in his later years.
Society in the Hudson Valley
March and April were generally spent at Palm Beach,
Fla. Here the Vanderbilts and their guests would cruise on their yacht
in southern waters. For variety they sometimes leased a large estate on
the West Coast, the family making the trip there and back in its private
railroad car. The Vanderbilts would return to Hyde Park about Easter,
remaining until shortly after the Fourth of July. Between then and Labor
Day, they usually went to one of the several summer mansions that they
owned at various times. The first of these was Rough Point, at Newport,
R.I. They also had a retreat which they called their Japanese Camp on
Upper St. Regis Lake in the Adirondacks; it had been built by 15 "expert
mechanics" brought over from Japan. From 1913 until Mrs. Vanderbilt's
death in 1926, they went to Cornfield, a residence at Bar Harbor,
Part of the summer might be spent in Europe. The
Vanderbilts would cross the Atlantic on an ocean liner, having sent the
yacht on ahead. Then they would pick up the yacht and cruise along the
coast of Europe or in the Mediterranean. In his later years, Vanderbilt
spent much of his time at Hyde Park, but would make an occasional summer
trip on his yacht.
There were several reasons why so many men of wealth
chose the Hudson River Valley as the locale for their country estates.
Scenic charm at a convenient distance from New York City attracted some.
Others, like Vanderbilt, found the rolling countryside ideal for the
pursuit of interests in purebred livestock and in horticulture.

The barns on the Vanderbilt estate, now privately owned.
Two events of great interest to these gentleman
farmers were held each autumn. There was keen competition among them at
the annual flower show of the Dutchess Horticultural Society in the
State Armory at Poughkeepsie, and at the Dutchess County Fair,
originally held at Poughkeepsie, and after 1919 at Rhinebeck. Vanderbilt
always came away with his share of prizes for his plants and flowers,
and for his garden produce, Belgian horses, and Jersey cattle.
For the sports-minded, the Hudson River provided both
active and spectator events. Vanderbilt was a member of the Hudson River
Yacht Club, some of whose members also enjoyed ice yachting on the
frozen river. Sharing in this thrilling pastime were Archibald Rogers,
John A. and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Samuel B. Sexton, Edward Wales, and
Thomas Newbold.
A spring attraction that appealed to many of the
Dutchess County residents was the college regatta held each year on the
Hudson at Poughkeepsie. Vanderbilt was a regular contributor to this
rowing event. The presence of his yacht in the spectator line was
frequently mentioned in the papers.
The Vanderbilts enjoyed winter sports during their
weekend visits at the pavilion. Their particular delight was sleighing.
On a crisp winter day, the Post Road would be alive with handsome
turnouts and highstepping horses. The air would then ring with the sound
of sleighbells as the wealthy Hyde Parkers dashed about the snow-covered
Spring and autumn found the members of the Dutchess
Hunt Club riding to the hounds on their swiftest horses. All the fine
livery of a pageant brightened these occasions.
Leading all other events for color and magnificence
at the Hyde Park estates were the weekend house parties. The guest lists
on these occasions included European nobility, and leaders in the fields
of business, politics, and the arts.

Blue room, largest of the guest rooms.
Those invited to Vanderbilt Mansion were accommodated
in lavishly appointed guest rooms, all of them furnished in 18th-century
French style. Each room had its distinct color scheme, with the motif
carried into the bathroom accessories. When the number of guests
exceeded the number of guest rooms in the mansion, the overflow was
housed in the pavilion.
Guests had the option of having breakfast in their
rooms. The food would be served on special breakfast sets that matched
the color scheme of the rooms. Those who preferred eating in the dining
room found the small family table at the east end of the room covered
with a white cloth and set with red china. In the center was a large
swivel tray, or Lazy Susan, containing coffee and food for the meal.
Guests were expected to seat themselves, turn the tray, and choose from
it whatever they wished. If anyone was late, fresh coffee and warm food
were brought up from the kitchen and placed on the tray.
When luncheon was served for the family or intimate
friends, the small table was again used. If a formal luncheon was being
served, the larger table in the center of the room, which could seat up
to 30 people, would be set.

Dinig room, family table at far end.
Details for formal affairs were arranged weeks in
advance by Mrs. Vanderbilt with her cooks, butlers, and gardeners to
avoid last-minute slip-ups. On such occasions, the hostess made it a
point to blend the color of the flowers, the cloth, and the china. Thus,
if yellow flowers were being used, the lace cloth would have a yellow
satin undercover. The centerpiece might be an inlaid gold mirror and
gilt vase, filled with fresh yellow roses. Scattered about the table
would be six or eight smaller gold vases of flowers. The
service would be gold-plated, and the china would be
white, with a gold stripe and the family monogram in the center.
The courses served at such a luncheon included hors
d'ouvres, and an egg dish, followed by an entree. The main course would
be a choice of chicken, turkey, or game. This was followed by an
elaborate dessert, with cakes, fruits, and candies.
The family and intimate friends took their afternoon
tea in the library. On more formal occasions, tea was served in the
drawing room. Guests gathered in the gold room for sherry before
The color of the flowers, cloth, and china would
again be blended for dinner. A monogrammed cloth covered the large table
on the occasion of a formal dinner. The centerpiece might be a large
silver bowl, a yachting trophy, filled with pink flowers, on a silver
tray. Candelabra, fruit and bon-bon dishes, and the flatware would also
be of silver. China would be of a fine Italian variety, engraved with
pink flowers. Courses for a formal supper included soup, fish, and an
entree. The main course was a choice of game, meat, or fowl. This was
followed by dessert, fruit, and candies.

Drawing room.
When finished at table, the ladies retired to the
drawing room, where demitasse and liqueur were served. The gentlemen
remained in the dining room for coffee, liqueur, and cigars. In about
half an hour they would join the ladies in the drawing room for cards or
other amusements.
Sometimes dinner was followed by a formal dance held
in the drawing room. House guests were joined by other guests, neighbors,
and their visitors. Music was furnished by an orchestra from New
York City, and the dancing stopped promptly at midnight on a Saturday