Sumner's troops crossing Grapevine Bridge to
reinforce Couch at Seven Pines. From a contemporary sketch.
Up The Peninsula
After landing at Fortress Monroe the Federal troops
pushed aside the thinly held Confederate defenses at Yorktown and
Williamsburg and proceeded up the peninsula according to plan. But
progress was slow. Every day 500 tons of forage and subsistence were
required to keep the army in the field. Early in May it rained and kept
raining, day after dreary day. Federal soldiers had a saying:
"Virginia used to be in the Unionnow it's in
the mud." Dirt roads turned into bottomless muckcreeks and gullies
became swift flowing streamsfields were swamps. Roads and bridges
had to be built and rebuilt, and still the thousands of wagons, horses,
and mules continually stuck in the mud.
Realizing that an effective overland pursuit of the
retreating Confederate forces under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston was out of
the question because of the weather and the condition of the roads,
McClellan on May 6 sent Gen. William B. Franklin's division up the York
River by transport to West Point, terminus of the Richmond and York
River Railroad, in an attempt to cut off the Confederate wagon train.
Johnston anticipated the move, however, and on May 7 ordered Gen. W. H.
C. Whiting's troops to attack Franklin in the battle of West Point, or
Eltham's Landing.
The attack was repulsed, but, even so, the wagon
train managed to continue safely to Richmond. McClellan, however, had
cleared the way to his next objectivethe landing at White House on
the Pamunkey River, a tributary of the York. Here the railroad crossed
the Pamunkey on its way to West Point. This would be the Union base of
supply for the contemplated attack on Richmond. This battle also cleared
the way for the right wing of the Union army, which would have to stay
north and east of Richmond in order to hook up with McDowell's
anticipated overland march from Washington.
General Johnston, falling back steadily in front of
McClellan's slow advance, was the target of severe criticism from
Richmond newspapers for not making a determined stand. But he wrote to
Gen. Robert E. Lee: "We are engaged in a species of warfare at which we
can never win. It is plain that Gen. McClellan will adhere to the system
adopted by him last summer, and depend for success upon artillery and
engineering. We can compete with him in neither."