Battle of Drewry's Bluff Diorama, Richmond National
Battlefield Park Visitor Center.
Drewry's Bluff
After the fall of Norfolk on May 10 to the Union
forces under Gen. John Wool, the crew of the Virginia (Merrimack)
scuttled their ship. River pilots had advised that the iron-clad vessel
could not navigate the treacherous channel up the James River to
Richmond. Loss of the Virginia opened the river to Federal
gunboats, and McClellan immediately telegraphed the War Department: "I
would now most earnestly urge that our gunboats and the iron-clad boats
be sent as far as possible up the James river without delay.
Instructions have been given so that the Navy will receive prompt
support wherever and whenever required."
Five Union gunboats, including the famous
Monitor, starred up the James under Comdr. John Rogers in the
Galena. By May 15 they reached Drewry's Bluff, just 7 miles
below Richmond. Here, at a sharp bend, the Confederates had effectively
obstructed the river and erected powerful batteries on a 90-foot
At 7 that morning the Federal gunboats opened fire on
Fort Darling. The battle raged for 4 hours while the fate of Richmond
hung in the balance, and near panic spread through the city. However,
the accurate fire of the heavy guns on the bluff, combined with
effective sharpshooting along the riverbanks, finally proved too much
for the gunboats, and the Federal fleet retreated down the river. One
Confederate officer observed: "* * * had Commander Rogers been supported
by a few brigades, landed at City Point or above on the south side,
Richmond would have been evacuated."
Although the Secretary of the Navy requested "a
cooperating land force" to help the gunboats pass Fort Darling and take
Richmond, McClellan, despite his earlier promise of cooperation, wired
the War Department: "Am not yet ready to cooperate with them." He
neglected to say when he would be ready. Richmond was never again
seriously threatened by water.