Data and calculations on pressures on an airfoil to achieve
equilibrium in an air plane as worked our by the Wright Brothers
in experiments in 1899.
First Experiments, 1899
Wilbur and Orville realized that the motion of the
air on a flying machine is frequently variable and tricky, causing the
machine to rear up or down, or one wing to rise higher than the other,
and the machine to become unstable. The problemhow to control a
flying machinewas to find a method of restoring the machine's
equilibrium both up and down and to each side.
Most pre-Wright experimenters had relied on human
control to balance flying machines. The operator simply shifted the
weight of his body to tilt the wings in the direction opposite from
adverse action of the wind. But the continual contortions and acrobatics
required to maintain equilibrium by this method were not within the
skill of many experimenters. While using it, both Lilienthal and Percy
S. Pilcher, an English experimenter, were killed in nose dives.
Chanute sought to effect "automatic stability"
independent of the operator by causing the flying machine's structurally
automatic supporting surfaces to adjust positions by flexible joints
automatically with changes in the wind. Wilbur and Orville were to
conceive a different method of control than that sought by Chanute,
though they themselves later designed and patented an "automatic"
devicea pendulum analogous to Sperry's gyroscope.
At Dayton, in 1899, the Wrights were ready to move
beyond the first phase of study, speculation, and discussion. Their
combined attack on the problem of equilibrium resulted in the conception
of one of the fundamental principles of aeronautics. Their reasoned
principle for lateral control of a flying machine was that the movement
of an airfoil about its longitudinal axis could be controlled by means
of a pressure differential exerted on its opposing lateral extremities
(the principle known today as aileron control). Both modern-day ailerons
and the Wrights' wing-warping are merely arbitrary mechanical devices
for applying this principle. The brothers' first achievement was the
conception of the principle itself.
Wilbur and Orville decided first to test their
principle of control in a small model glider to see if it worked, thus
sparing themselves from being injured if it did not. At first it
occurred to them to effect the result of their principle by pivoting the
right and left wings on geared shafts at the stable center of a glider.
One wing would turn upward in front when the other turned down, and the
balance would readjust. But there seemed to be no way to make this
device strong enough without making the glider too heavy. They finally
decided on warping or twisting the wings as the simplest and most
effective method to effect the result of their principle. (It still
would be effective if used today.) The wingtips were to be warped by
means of cables controlled by the operator. By warping the wingtips,
they expected to vary the inclination of sections of the wings at the
tips, and obtain force for restoring balance from the difference in the
lifts of the two wingtips.
While twisting a small pasteboard box with opposite
ends removed, Wilbur observed that though the vertical sides were rigid
endwise, the top and bottom sides could be twisted to have different
angles at the opposite ends. Here was a simple means of warping the
wings as they intended. They decided that a biplane's wings could be
twisted or warped in like manner, enabling them while flying in a glider
to warp the wings on the right and left sides to present their surfaces
to the air at different angles. By warping the wingtips the operator
would be able to increase the angle of attack on one wingtip and
decrease it on the other. Thus, they believed, the operator could obtain
a greater lift on whichever side he needed it and less lift on the other
side in order to assure lateral equilibrium. (They later had to modify
this by adding a movable vertical tail.)
To test their principle safely, the brothers built a
model glideractually a kitewith a 5-foot wingspan. Flown as
a kite at Dayton, the model glider's wing surfaces were warped by the
use of four cords reaching from the upper and lower wingtips on each
side to the operator on the ground. Balance from front to rear was
maintained in part by an elevator tested variously at the front and
rear, as well as by other means. The Wrights believed after the tests
that the model glider had demonstrated the efficiency of their system of
obtaining both lateral and longitudinal control.