a. The Wright Brothers of Dayton, Ohio
b. Young Business Partners
c. Pioneers of Flight
d. Problems of Flight
e. First Experiments, 1899
f. Why Kitty Hawk?
g. Glider Experiments, 1900
h. Glider Experiments, 1901
i. Wind-Tunnel Tests, 1901
j. Glider Experiments, 1902
k. The Motor and the Propellers
l. The Powered Machine, 1903
m. December 17, 1903: The Day Man First Flew
n. After the First Flight
o. The Original Airplane Exhibited
p. The National Memorial
q. Guide to the Area
r. Administration
s. Glossary
t. Suggestions for Further Reading
The National Park Service gratefully ackowledges
the assistance of Dr. Marvin W. McFarland, who reviewed the manuscript
and gave many valuable suggestions. We are grateful also for the
excellent contemporary photographs made available by the Library of
Congress. All photographs used in this book, except those otherwise
credited, were furnished by the Library of Congress.

For additional information, visit the Web site for
Wright Brothers National Memorial
Historical Handbook Number Thirty-Four 1961
This publication is one of a series of handbooks
describing the historical and archeological areas in the National
Park System administered by the National Park Service, U.S.
Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government
Printing Office and may be purchased from the Superintendent of
Documents, Washington, D.C., 20402, Price 30 cents
Stewart L. Udall, Secretary
Conrad L. Wirth, Director