Problems of Flight
A pioneer experimenter once said that "it is easy to
invent a flying machine; it is more difficult to build onebut to
make one fly is everything." As Lilienthal had seen, the Wrights also
saw that, if ever they were to make progress in solving the problems of
flight, they had not only to study them theoretically, but also to get
up into the air in gliders and test their theories by actual practice.
"If you are looking for perfect safety," said Wilbur, "you will do well
to sit on a fence and watch the birds; but if you really wish to learn,
you must mount a machine and become acquainted with its tricks by actual
trial." Preferring the air to a fence, the brothers recognized that when
undertaking to fly gliders their first major problem would be how to fly
safely so they could live long enough to learn to fly a powered
Wilbur wrote his father:
I do not intend to take dangerous chances, both
because I have no wish to get hurt and because a fall would stop my
experimenting, which I would not like at all. The man who wishes to keep
at the problem long enough to really learn anything positively must not
take dangerous risks. Carelessness and overconfidence are usually more
dangerous than deliberately accepted risks.
The problem of equilibrium was the second major
problem that the brothers had to solve. They needed to devise measures
to steer or control a flying machine both up and down and to each

When the Wrights started their investigations they
believed that others had already solved the problems of how to design
wings, propellers, and motors. Only later did they realize that they
must also correctly design both the wings and the propellers and build
their own motor. Thus their third major problem became how to design
wings sufficiently strong to support the weight of the machine, motor,
and pilot to take the greatest advantage of air particles providing lift
by streaming along the upper and lower surfaces of the wings.
A fourth major problem that faced Wilbur and Orville
was how to design a light-weight, high-powered engine and the propellers
required to drive the machine through the air. They were to find that
these problems were interrelated and that they would solve them only
after 4-1/2 years of spare-time study and experimentation.