After the First Flight
After 1903, the Wrights carved brilliant careers in
aeronautics and helped found the aviation industry. The successful
flights made at Kill Devil Hills in December 1903 encouraged them to
make improvements on a new plane called Flyer No. 2. About 100 flights
were flown near Dayton in 1904. These totaled only 45 minutes in the
air, although they made two 5-minute flights. Experimenting chiefly with
control and maneuver, many complete circuits of the small flying field
were made.
A new and improved plane, Flyer No. 3, was built in
1905. On October 5 they made a record flight of 24-1/5 miles, while the
plane was in the air 38 minutes and 3 seconds. The era of the airplane
was well on the way. The lessons and successes at Kill Devil Hills in
December 1903 were fast making the crowded skies of the Air Age

Orville Wright in 1904 flight 85 at Huffman Prairie near Dayton,
November 16. Distance: approximately 1,760 feet; time: 45

1905 flight 41Orville's 12-mile flight of September 29.

1905 flight 46, October 420.8 miles in 33.3 minutes, the second
longest flight of 1905. It was exceeded only by the 24-mile flight of
October 5. The era of the airplane was well on its way.
Believing their invention was now perfected for
practical use, the Wrights wanted the United States Government to have a
world monopoly on their patents, and more important, on all the
aerodynamic, design, and pilotage secrets they knew relating to the
airplane. As early as 1905 they had received overtures from
representatives of foreign governments. The United States Army turned
down their first offers without making an effort to investigate whether
the airplane had been brought to a stage of practical operation. But
disbelief was on the wane. In February 1908 the United States War
Department made a contract with the brothers for an airplane. Only 3
weeks later the Wrights closed a contract with a Frenchman to form a
syndicate for the rights to manufacture, sell, or license the use of the
Wright airplane in France.
During their Dayton experiments, the Wrights had
continued to pilot their airplanes while lying prone with hips in the
cradle on the lower wing. Now they adopted a different arrangement of
the control levers to be used in a sitting position and added a seat for
a passenger. The brothers brought their airplane to Kill Devil Hills in
April 1908 to practice handling the new arrangement of the control
levers. They wanted to be prepared for the public trials to be made for
the United States Government, near Washington, and for the company in
They erected a new building at Kill Devil Hills to
house the airplane and to live in, because storms the year before had
nearly demolished their 1903 camp buildings. Between May 6 and May 14,
1908, the Wrights made 22 flights at their old testing grounds. On May
14 the first flight with two men aboard a plane was made near West Hill;
Wilbur Wright being the pilot, and Charles Furnas, a mechanic, the
passenger. Orville and Furnas then made a flight together of over 2
miles, passing between Kill Devil Hill and West Hill, and turning north
near the sound to circle Little Hill before returning over the starting
point close to their camp to land near West Hill on the second lap.

Orville Wright (18711948) taken about 1908.

Wilbur Wright (18671912) taken about 1908.
Byron R. Newton, a newspaper reporter, was concealed
in the woods with other newsmen near camp to watch the Wrights fly.
Newton predicted in his diary just after seeing his first flight: "Some
day Congress will erect a monument here to these Wrights." Nineteen
years later the Congress established the area as a National
Wilbur journeyed to France after completing the tests
at Kill Devil Hills, while Orville returned home to complete the
construction of an airplane for the United States Government. As Wilbur
set about methodically to assemble his airplane at Le Mans, some 125
miles from Paris, skeptics greeted the delay by accusing him of
bluffing. But Wilbur refused to hurry. "Le bluff continue," cried
a Paris newspaper. However, when Wilbur took off on August 8, circling
the field to come in for a perfect landing, the crowd could scarcely
believe its eyes. Skeptics were confounded, and enthusiasm was
Wilbur's complete lack of conceit, together with his
decency and intelligence, won from the French people a hero-worship
attitude, while the press was unsparing in its praise and lamented
having called him a bluffer. The Figaro commented, "It was not
merely a success but a triumph; a conclusive trial and a decisive
victory for aviation, the news of which will revolutionize scientific
circles throughout the world." It was a statement to the press by a
witness, Maj. B. F. S. Baden-Powell, president of the Aeronautical
Society of Great Britain, that is most often quoted: "That Wilbur Wright
is in possession of a power which controls the fate of nations is beyond
dispute." One of Wilbur's sayings in France became famous: "I know of
only one bird, the parrot, that talks," he said, "and it can't fly very

Orville and his passenger, Lt. Benjamin D. Foulois, round the captive
balloon which marked the turning point of the Army speed test flight
from Fort Meyer, July 30, 1909. The flight was just under 43
miles an hour. Courtesy, Smithsonian Institution.
Orville's first public flight was on September 3,
1908 at Fort Myer. He circled the field one and one-half times on the
first test. "When the plane first rose," Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.,
recorded "the crowd's gasp of astonishment was not alone at the wonder
of it, but because it was so unexpected." Orville's final flight at Fort
Myer in 1908 ended in tragedy. The airplane crashed, killing Lt. Thomas
Selfridge, a passenger flying with Orville. Orville suffered broken
ribs, a fractured leg, and hip injuries.
In 1909, Orville completed the Government test
flights by flying 10 miles in 14 minutes, or just under 43 miles an
hour. The United States Army formally accepted its first airplane from
the Wrights on August 2, 1909. During the same year both brothers made
further flying triumphs in Europe where they became famous flying in
France and Italy. While Orville was making sensational flights in
Germany (as required for the formation of a Wright company in that
country), Wilbur, in America, made spectacular flights at New York City
where more than a million New Yorkers got their first glimpse of an
airplane in the air.
Commercial companies were formed in France and
Germany to manufacture Wright planes before the Wright Company was
organized in the United States with Wilbur as president and Orville vice
president. In financial affairs the Wrights were remarkably
shrewda match for American and European businessmen. They grew
wealthy as well as famous, but they were not happy as businessmen and
looked forward to the time when they could retire to devote themselves
again to scientific research.
Orville returned to Kill Devil Hills in October 1911
to experiment with an automatic control device and to make soaring
flights with a glider. The new device was not tested because of the
presence of newspapermen at the camp each day. Orville set a new world's
soaring record of 9 minutes and 45 seconds on October 24. This remained
the world's record until it was exceeded 10 years later in Germany. On
May 30, 1912, Wilbur Wright, aged 45, died of typhoid fever. Orville
survived him by 36 years.