The Wright motor used in the first flights of Dec. 17, 1903, after
its reconstruction in 1928.
The Motor and the Propellers
Home again in Dayton, the Wrights were ready to carry
out plans begun in camp at Kill Devil Hills for a powered machine. They
invited bids for a gasoline engine which would develop 8 to 9
horsepower, weigh no more than 180 pounds or an average of 20 pounds per
horsepower, and be free of vibrations. None of the manufacturers to whom
they wrote was able to supply them with a motor light enough to meet
these specifications. The Wrights therefore designed and built their own
motor, with their mechanic, Charles E. Taylor, giving them enthusiastic
help in the construction.
The engine body and frame of the first "little gas
motor" which they began building in December 1902 broke while being
tested. Rebuilding the light-weight motor, they shop-tested it in May
1903. In its final form the motor used in the first powered flights had
4 horizontal cylinders of 4-inch bore and 4-inch stroke, with an
aluminum-alloy crankcase and water jacket. The fuel tank had a capacity
of four-tenths of a gallon of gasoline. The entire power plant including
the engine, magneto, radiator, tank, water, fuel, tubing, and
accessories weighed a little more than 200 pounds.
Owing to certain peculiarities of design, after
several minutes' run the engine speed dropped to less than 75 percent of
what it was on cranking the motor. The highest engine speed measured
developed 15.76 horsepower at 1,200 revolutions per minute in the first
15 seconds after starting the cold motor. After several minutes' run the
number of revolutions dropped rapidly to 1,090 per minute, developing
11.81 brake horsepower. Even so, the Wrights were pleasantly surprised
since they had not counted on more than 8 horsepower capable of driving
a machine weighing only about 625 pounds. Having a motor with a power
output of about 12 horsepower instead of 8, the Wrights could build the
machine to have a larger total weight than 625 pounds.
The motor was started with the aid of a dry-battery
coil box. After starting, ignition was provided by a low-tension
magneto, friction-driven by the flywheel. No pump was used in the
cooling system. The vertical sheet-steel radiator was attached to the
central forward upright of the machine.

Propeller estimates, made by the Wrights 8 months before
the flights of December 1903. Their formulas resulted in the highly
efficient propellers which were used in the first Wright Flyer.
These were 8-1/2 feet from one canvas-covered tip to the other.
Top view shows the front, bottom view, the rear.
When the brothers began to consider designing
propellers, they unhappily discovered that the forces in action on
aerial propellers had never been correctly resolved or defined. Since
they did not have sufficient time or funds to develop an efficient
propeller by the more costly trial-and-error means, it was necessary for
them to study the screw propeller from a theoretical standpoint. By
studying the problem, they hoped to develop a theory from which to
design the propellers for the powered machine. The problem was not easy,
as the Wrights wrote:
What at first seemed a simple problem became more
complex the longer we studied it. With the machine moving forward, the
air flying backward, the propellers turning sidewise, and nothing
standing still, it seemed impossible to find a starting point from which
to trace the various simultaneous reactions. Contemplation of it was
confusing. After long arguments we often found ourselves in the
ludicrous position of each having been converted to the other's side,
with no more agreement than when the discussion began.
However, in a few months the brothers untangled the
conflicting factors and calculations. After studying the problem, they
felt sure of their ability to design propellers of exactly the right
diameter, pitch, and area for their need. Estimates derived from their
formulas led to their propellers operating at a higher rate of
efficiency (66 percent) than any others of that day. The tremendous
expenditure of power that characterized experiments of other
aeronautical investigators up to that time were due to inefficient
propellers as well as inefficient lifting surfaces.
The Wright propellers, designed according to their
own calculations, were the first propellers ever built by anyone for
which the performance could be predicted. After tests, their propellers
produced not quite 1 percent less thrust than they had calculated. In
useful work they gave about two thirds of the power expendeda
third more than had been achieved by such men as Sir Hiram Maxim and Dr.

Arrangement of propeller-driving chains and casings on original
Wright 1903 machine displayed in the Smithsonian Institution.
Courtesy, Smithsonian Institution.
The brothers decided to use, two propellers on their
powered machine for two reasons. First, by using two propellers they
could secure a reaction against a greater quantity of air and use a
larger pitch angle than was possible with one propeller; and second,
having the two propellers run in opposite directions, the gyroscopic
action of one would neutralize that of the other. The two pusher-type
propellers on the 1903 powered machine were mounted on tubular shafts
about 10 feet apart, both driven by chains running over sprockets. By
crossing one of the chains in a figure eight, the propellers were run in
opposite directions to counteract torque. The propellers were made of
three laminations of spruce, each 1/2 inches thick. The wood was glued
together and shaped with a hatchet and drawshave.