Wilbur Wright in Kill Devil Hills camp building before it was
remodeled by adding space for living quarters, Aug. 29, 1902. (1901
glider at right.)
Glider Experiments, 1902
The Wrights had faith in the tables of air pressure
compiled from their wind-tunnel experiments. Their new knowledge was
incorporated into a larger glider which they built based on the
aerodynamic data they had gained. Now they wanted to verify those
findings by actual gliding experiments. At the end of August 1902, they
were back in camp at Kill Devil Hills for the third season of
experiments. Battered by winter gales, their camp needed repairing. They
decided to build a 15-foot addition to the combined workshop and
glider-storage shed to use as a kitchen and living quarters. Their new
living quarters were "royal luxuries" when compared with the tent
facilities of previous camps.

Kitchen in the living quarters of the remodeled camp building at Kill
Devil Hills, 1902.
The new glider had a wingspan of 32 feet, 1 inch; a
considerable increase over the wingspan of 22 feet for the 1901 glider.
Its lifting area, 305 square feet, was not much greater than the glider
of the previous year. Their wind-tunnel experiments having demonstrated
the importance of aspect ratio, the brothers made the wing span about
six times the chord or fore-and-aft measurement instead of three.
Weighing 112 pounds, the glider was 16 feet, 1 inch long. In the 1900
and 1901 gliders, the wing-warping mechanism had been worked by movement
of the operator's feet. In the 1902 glider this mechanism operated by
sidewise movement of the operator's hips resting in a cradle on the
lower wing. Wilbur wrote his father from camp, "Our new machine is a
very great improvement over anything we had built before and over
anything any one has built."

One of the successful glides made in October 1902 with the 1902
glider, camp buildings in distance.

Wilbur Wright making right run in glide from West Hill, Oct. 24,
1902. (Kill Devil Hill in background.)
This was the first Wright glider to have a tail,
consisting of fixed twin vertical vanes, as well as a front rudder. The
tail's purpose was to overcome the turning difficulties encountered in
some of the flights with the 1901 glider by maintaining equal speeds at
the two wingtips when the wings were warped. The tail was expected to
counterbalance the difference in resistance of the two wingtips. If the
wing on one side tended to swerve forward, then the Wrights thought the
tail, being more exposed to the wind on the same side, should stop the
glider from turning farther.
The tail on this glider, however, caused a new
problem that had not occurred in their previous gliders. At times, when
struck by a side gust of wind, the glider turned up sidewise and came
sliding laterally to the ground in spite of the effort and skill of the
operator in using the warping mechanism to control it. The brothers were
experiencing tailspins, though that term did not come into use until
several years later. When tailspins occurred, the glider would sometimes
slide so fast that the movement caused the tail's fixed vertical vanes
to aggravate the turning movement instead of counteracting it by
maintaining an equal speed at the opposite wingtips. The result was
worse than if there were no fixed vertical tail.
While lying awake one night, Orville thought of
converting their vertical tail from two fixed vanes to a single movable
rudder. When making a turn or recovering lateral balance, this rudder
could be moved toward the low wing to compensate for the increased drag
imparted to the high wing by its greater angle of attack. Wilbur
listened attentively when Orville told him about the idea the next
morning. Then, without hesitation, Wilbur not only agreed to the change
but immediately proposed the further important modification of
interconnecting the rudder control wires with those of the wing-warping.
Thus by a single movement the operator could effect both controls.
Through the brilliant interplay of two inventive minds, all the
essentials of the Wright control system were completed within a few
The combination of warp and rudder control became the
key to successful control of their powered machine and to the control of
all aircraft since. (Modern airplanesand indeed Wright planes
after the middle of their 1905 experimental seasondo not have the
aileron and rudder controls permanently interconnected, but these
controls can be and are operated in combination when necessary.)
Together with the use of the forward elevator, it allowed the Wrights to
perform all the basic aerial maneuvers that were necessary for
controlled flight. The essential problem of how to control a flying
machine about all three axes was now solved.

High glide on Oct. 10, 1902. Courtesy, Smithsonian Institution.
The trials of the 1902 glider were successful beyond
expectation. Nearly 1,000 glider flights were made by the Wrights from
Kill Devil, West, and Little Hills. A number of their glides were of
more than 600 feet, and a few of them were against a 36-mile-an-hour
wind. Flying in winds so strong required great skill on the part of the
operator. No previous experimenter had ever dared to try gliding in so
stiff a wind. Orville wrote his sister, "We now hold all the records!
The largest machine we handled in any kind [of weather, made the longest
dis]tance glide (American), the longest time in the air, the smallest
angle of descent, and the highest wind!!!" Their record glide for
distance was 622-1/2 feet in 26 seconds. Their record glide for angle
was an angle of 5° for a glide of 156 feet. The 1902 glider had
about twice the dynamic efficiency of any other glider ever built up to
that time anywhere in the world.
By the end of the 1902 season of experiments, the
Wrights had solved two of the major problems: how properly to design
wings and control surfaces and how to control a flying machine about its
three axes. Most of the battle was now won. There remained only the
major problem of adding the engine and propellers. Before leaving camp,
the brothers began designing a new and still larger machine to be
powered with a motor.
It was the 1902 glider that the Wrights pictured and
described in the drawings and specifications of their patent, which they
applied for in March of the following year. Their patent was
established, through the action of the courts in the United States and
abroad, as the basic or pioneer airplane patent.