Wright camp at Kitty Hawk, 1900. The campsite of
19013 was about 4 miles south of this site.
Glider Experiments, 1900
At Dayton, the Wrights began to assemble parts and
materials for a full-size, man-carrying glider to test their method of
warping the wings to achieve lateral control, and a forward rudder for
fore-and aft balance. In September 1900 Wilbur undertook the journey to
Kitty Hawk. Orville followed him later. At the turn of the century such
a trip to the isolated village required time and patience. It lies on
the Outer Banks of North Carolina between broad Albemarle Sound and the
Atlantic Ocean. Then no bridges connected it with the mainland so travel
across the sound was by boat.
Wilbur traveled by train from Dayton to Elizabeth
City, N.C., the nearest railroad point to his destination. Asking the
first persons he chanced to meet about Kitty Hawk he learned that "no
one seemed to know anything about the place or how to get there." Those
better informed had vexing information: the boat making weekly trips to
the Outer Banks had gone the day before. For several days he patiently
waited to be dubiously rewarded by passage with Israel Perry on a
flat-bottom fishing schooner, then anchored 3 miles down the Pasquotank
River from the wharf at Elizabeth City.
The small skiff used to take Wilbur from the wharf
out to the anchored schooner was loaded almost to the gunwale with three
men and supplies. Noticing that the skiff leaked badly, Wilbur asked if
it was safe. "Oh," Perry assured him, "it's safer than the big boat."
Even so, the schooner managed to sail down the Pasquotank River and
through Albemarle Sound safely enough in the rough weather.
It was 9 o'clock the following night before the
schooner reached the wharf at Kitty Hawk. Though hungry and aching from
the strain of holding on while the schooner rolled and pitched, Wilbur
did not go shore until the next morning.

Tom Tate, drumfish, and Wright 1900 glider. A
familiar figure in camp, young Tom, on one occasion, was lifted into the
air on the glider.
Later, Orville joined Wilbur at Kitty Hawk where both
brothers boarded and lodged with the family of William J. Tate until
October 4, when they set up their own camp about half a mile away from
the village. Native Outer Bankers showed only mild interest in the
Wrights' hopes of flying, but they became excited when they learned that
the brothers were keeping in their tent, as fuel for a newfangled
gasoline cookstove, the first barrel of gasoline ever taken to the Kitty
Hawk area. Fearing an explosion, local folk warily warned their children
to keep well away from the brothers' tent. Orville was the cook while in
camp; to Wilbur fell the dish-washing chore. Orville always felt that he
had the better of the bargain.
The new glider was a double-decker with a span of
about 17 feet, and a total lifting area of 165 square feet. Its weight
with operator was 190 pounds. It cost $15 to make. The uprights were
jointed to the top and bottom wings with flexible hinges, and the glider
was trussed with steel wires laterally, but not in the fore-and-aft
direction. The operator, lying prone on the lower wing to lessen head
resistance, maintained lateral equilibrium by tightening a key wire
which, in turn, tightened every other wire, applying twist to the
wingtips. The glider had no tail. Its wing curvature was less than
Lilienthal had used.

The 1900 glider flying as a kite.
Wilbur and Orville placed the horizontal operative
rudder or elevator in front to provide longitudinal stability. They
believed that by placing it in front they would have more up-and-down
control to forestall nose dives similar to those that had killed
Lilienthal and Pilcher. The Wrights did not invent the elevator. They
did use it to more advantage than had earlier experimenters: it was in
front of the wings; it was operative instead of fixed; and it flexed to
present a convex surface to the air, instead of a flat surface.
The Wrights first flew the glider in the open as a
kite. They held it with two ropes and operated the balancing system by
cords from the ground. The first day's experiments were attempted with a
man on board, using a derrick erected on a hill just south of their
camp. The glider was not flown from the derrick again at Kitty Hawk
after the first day's tests. On days when the wind was too light to
support a man on the glider, they used chain for ballast or flew the
machine as a kite in the open without ballast.
Before returning to Dayton, the brothers were
determined to try gliding on the side of a hill with a man on board.
Four miles south of their camp was a magnificient sand dune about 100
feet high, covering 26 acres, called Kill Devil Hill. They carried their
glider to this hill where they made about a dozen free flights down its
To take-off from the hillside, one brother and an
assistant holding the ends of the glider ran forward against the wind,
while the brother who was to operate it ran with them until the machine
began to "take hold" of the air, or was airborne. Then the operator
jumped aboard and glided free down the hill for 300 or 400 feet, usually
gliding only 3 or 4 feet above the soft, sandy ground. The Wrights
repeatedly made landings on sledlike skids while moving at a speed of
more than 20 miles an hour. The glider was not damaged, nor did the
brothers receive any injury. "The machine seemed a rather docile thing,"
Orville wrote to his sister, from Kitty Hawk, "and we taught it to
behave fairly well."

The brothers spent 3 days repairing the 1900 glider, wrecked by wind
on Oct. 10, 1900.
Wilbur and Orville had misread the weather charts
they had studied when choosing Kitty Hawk as the location for their
experiments. The charts had listed monthly averages, while the
day-by-day weather proved to be less than ideal. On some days tests
could not be made because of a dead calm; other days the wind blew too
strongup to 45 miles an hour. Orville wrote about the strong winds
that blew:
A little excitement once in a while is not
undesirable, but every night, especially when you are so sleepy, it
becomes a little monotonous. . . . About two or three nights a week we
have to crawl up at ten or eleven o'clock to hold the tent down. . . .
We certainly can't complain of the place. We came down here for wind and
sand, and we have got them.

Fellow campers at Kill Devil Hills, August 1901. From left: E. C.
Huffaker, Octave Chanute, Wilbur Wright, George Spratt.
Even though the Wrights had only brief spells of
favorable weather for practice, they learned much from their
experiments. They were pleased with the efficiency of wing-warping to
obtain lateral balance, and the horizontal rudder for fore-and-aft
control worked better than they had expected. Though Wilbur and Orville
believed that fore-and-aft balance and lateral balance were equally
important, they were gratified that fore-and-aft balance was so easily
attained. They made careful measurements of lift, drag, and angle of
attack. The main defect of the glider was its inadequate lifting power.
This might be due, the brothers conjectured, to insufficient curvature
or camber of the wings which did not have the curvature used by
Lilienthal, or perhaps even the Lilienthal tables of air pressure might
be in error.
Although important strides had been made toward
solving the problem of control, Wilbur and Orville lacked opportunity
for sufficient practice since they did not get much time in the air.
There still remained much for them to learn before solving the major
problems of how to (1) design wings properly, (2) control the aircraft
in flight, and (3) provide power, in order to build and fly a powered
machine. They knew that they must learn how properly to build and
control a glider before attempting to add a motor. "When once a machine
is under proper control under all conditions," Wilbur wrote his father
from camp, "the motor problem will be quickly solved. A failure of motor
will then mean simply a slow descent & safe landing instead of a
disastrous fall." They looked forward to the next slack season in the
bicycle business so that they might resume experiments with a new