Lilienthal's two-surface glider of 1895 in which some of his
highest and longest glides were made. This German engineer made
hundreds of glides with various apparatuses employing birdlike wings.
Pioneers of Flight
Since the dawn of history the idea of human flight
has intrigued mankind. As the influence of the Wrights' achievements
will last far into the future, so will the contributions of aeronautical
pioneers who probed the mysteries of flight before Wilbur and Orville
solved the problem. The research of these imaginative pioneer
investigators influenced the brothers. In studying those earlier works
the Wrights found many points that interested them. The knowledge that
other pioneers had shared their faith in the possibility of
heavier-than-air flight helped their morale.
In the pioneers' direct line of descent from the
Greek legend of Daedalus and Icarius to the Wrights is Leonardo da
Vinci. Da Vinci drew some interesting sketches in the late 15th century,
though a machine built from his drawings could not possibly have flown.
The interest in England of Sir George Cayley influenced other men to
undertake the problem.
A Frenchman, Alphonse Pénaud experimented with
toy helicopters, using twisted rubber bands for motive power. It was a
Pénaud toy helicopter, given to Wilbur and Orville by their
father, that first stirred their childhood interest in flying. However,
in Europe, most experimenters had turned from heavier-than-air machines
to lighter-than-air dirigible balloons by the time the brothers took up
the problem of heavier-than-air flight. The American-born Sir Hiram
Maxim, after spending $100,000, had abandoned his work; the machine
built by Clement Ader, at the expense of the French Government, had been
a failure. None of the early experimenters attained sufficient knowledge
of the aerodynamic principles involved to be able to design a successful
powered machine capable of free, controlled, and sustained flight.

Otto Lilienthal (184896).
Only a few of the general public could distinguish
between a heavier-than-air powered flying machine and a lighter-than-air
gas bag equipped with propellers. Few knew that the problem of powered
flight was not to fill a balloon with gas or hot air and float in it, or
to glide in a complicated kite against air currents. Many among those
who realized the obstacles to heavier-than-air flight in a powered
machine believed it was as impossible as perpetual motion.
Wilbur and Orville acknowledged Otto Lilienthal, a
famous German pioneer in aviation, as their greatest inspiration.
Recognized as the father of gliding, Lilienthal made hundreds of glides
with various apparatuses employing birdlike wings. First to explain
scientifically why curved surfaces in a flying machine are superior to
flat surfaces, Lilienthal's work on wing surfaces and air pressure
proved valuable to the Wrights. Interested in scientific affairs, the
brothers read with fascination and excitement, reports in 1895 of
gliding flights by Lilienthal. But the art of gliding was neither a game
nor child's play for aviation's pioneers. Lilienthal crashed and died as
a result of a glider accident in 1896. Reading of his death, the Wrights
wondered if they could go on from where he had left off.

Courtesy, Smithsonian Institution

Samuel Pierpont Langley (18341906).
Eventually the Wrights were ready to begin "a
systematic study of the subject in preparation for practical work," and
hoped to make contributions "to help on the future worker who will
attain final success." Searching for, but finding little material on
attempts to fly in the Dayton Public Library, Wilbur wrote, in May 1899,
to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington seeking information about
publications to read on aeronautics. The list of books and articles
suggested by the Smithsonian included works by Dr. Samuel P. Langley who
later became its director and secretary. The brothers were encouraged by
seeing that a man of Langley's scientific standing believed in the
possibility of flight at a time when few people did. Langley had been
making aeronautical studies and experiments and succeeded in building
power-driven models that flew. Later he built and attempted to fly a
full-size, man-carrying powered machine; but in this he failed.

Octave Chanute (18321910).
When a model flies, it does not necessarily follow
that a full-size machine of the same design will also fly. As boys
Wilbur and Orville had built model Pénaud helicopters that flew,
but even the Wrights could not later have built a successful
man-carrying machine by merely following Pénaud's same general
design. The difficulty isas early experimenters with model
machines unhappily discoveredthat when the linear measurement of a
model is doubled it needs about eight times the power to make it
Among the sources suggested by the Smithsonian was
Octave Chanute's Progress in Flying Machines. Chanute, a
successful construction engineer living in Chicago, had directed
experiments with gliders of his own design. A longtime encouraging
friend and adviser to the Wrights, Chanute made an exhaustive study of
the history of aeronautics.