Cobblestone walls at Aztec Ruins.
Man in the San Juan Valley
THE AZTEC PUEBLO. (continued) But there is a
double mystery at Aztec: as indicated earlier, overlying the evidences
of a Chaco-phase occupation, Morris found evidence of rebuilding and
rehabitation of many rooms. Large-sized Chaco rooms had been shortened,
reduced, or cut off by interior walls and lowered ceilings. Older
doorways had been blocked up, or had been partially filled and reduced
in size. In some cases entire small rooms, complete with ceilings, had
been built within larger rooms. New floors had been laid down upon the
debris and windblown sand which partially filled some of the older
rooms. Older beams had been pulled out of rooms and reused elsewhere or
new walls in a different style had been built in place of those that had
A newer style of pottery, reminiscent of the Mesa
Verde-type pottery, was prevalent. The majority of burials found within
the ruins, 149 out of a total of 186, seemed to belong to a different
period as shown by the type of artifacts associated with them. T-shaped
doorways, an architectural trait characteristic of Mesa Verde times, was
prevalent in the later parts of the pueblo. Keyhole-shaped kivas,
another Mesa Verde trait, were inserted into and between rooms of the
earlier period. And finally, the Great Kiva in the central plaza, which
had fallen into disuse, was rehabilitatedin a much poorer style
of construction, surely, but nonetheless obviously repaired and
temporarily put back into use.
These factors inclined Morris to feel that some time
after A.D. 1124 the pueblo at Aztec was abandoned by the Chacoan
builders. Then about 1225, a new group arrived, bringing with them the
general styles and culture of the area we know as Mesa Verde.
As with the earlier occupation at Aztec, we do not
know exactly who these second people were or exactly where they came
from, although it is obvious that they had a close affiliation with the
people of the Mesa Verde area. Nor do we know if they were a large
group, representing a mass migration, or whether once again some of the
local population may have decided to attempt building a large community.
Perhaps for a second time a few people, possessing special abilities or
representing a religious organization, prevailed upon either the local
population of the Animas Valley or wandering migrant groups to assist
them in erecting large community structures.
We do know that at about this time there was a
considerable population shift all over the Mesa Verde area. The people
were dispersing from their normal habitats and moving into more
protected locations or consolidating into larger, more defensible units. In
the Mesa Verde itself, for example, they were abandoning their mesatop
pueblos and crowding together in the caves or moving out of the area
entirely. In the Hovenweep area, they retreated to the heads of the
canyons and built watchtowers along the canyon sides and bottoms to
protect their dwindling water supplies. It was evidently a period of
considerable strife and turmoil. There were short periods of recurrent
drought, and possibly many of these groups had begun to fight among
themselves over land and water rights and other necessities of life.
The second occupation at Aztec was more intensive and
one in which parts of the local population participated actively. The
construction style of this period shows a considerable use of local
cobblestones set in adobe mortar, as in many of the small ruins throughout
the Animas. Sometimes cobblestone walls are overlaid or underlaid by, or
even intermingled with, sandstone walls. It was at this time also, as
far as we know, that the other pueblo unitsnow all
ruinswithin the monument boundary were constructed, as well as
several other major Mesa Verde-phase structures elsewhere in the Animas
In addition, large quantities of new material had to
be secured fairly rapidly to keep pace with the feverish building
activities at Aztec. While some of the rooms of the large Chaco-style
pueblo were rehabilitated by these new inhabitants, others were
dismantled and their materials, in addition to those from fallen walls,
were used elsewhere. But even this great pueblo could not supply all the
stone needed. So from the old quarry to the site of the pueblo two paths
were built, side by side, each wide enough for eight men to walk
abreast. For many months, men with stone mauls and hammers cracked and
chopped and ground the sandstone into building blocks. Other men and the
stronger boys toiled all day in straggling lines, carrying the blocks on
large wooden litters or in great slings strung on poles. Long lines of
workers streamed down one path, loaded with blocks, to return over the
other path with their empty litters and slings.
Although the Great Kiva was repaired, with rather
sloppy workmanship in many places, it was probably only used for a
brief period. The focal point of the community's religious life seems to
have centered around the peculiar and somewhat puzzling tri-wall
structures, two of which exist at Aztec. One is the excavated Hubbard
Mound site just to the northwest of the main ruin; the other is Mound F,
which is also to the northwest of the other major but largely
unexcavated ruinthe East Ruin. If there was such a thing at this
time as the beginning of a priestly hierarchy among the Pueblo peoples,
these tri-wall structures with their centralized kivas may have been
the domiciles and religious quarters of this hierarchy.
Once again life seemed to flourish at Aztec. This
time with all the extra pueblo units close to each other, the area must
have resembled a veritable beehive. It would have taken an extensive
farming area to support the population. If a shift in the river had cut
the Chacoans' canal, another shift back again may have made it possible
to restore the old canal, improve it, and once again make the
surrounding fields green in summer with growing corn, beans, squash, and
In contrast to the Chacoan occupation, Morris found a
large number of burials (149) from this period, mostly in the rooms.
Many were buried with great care and had numerous and varied grave
offerings. For a while, evidently, the Pueblos prospered and traded far
and wide for luxury items. But once again bad times set in, possibly
accompanied by almost constant armed harassment by less fortunate
groups. Although Morris did not find any direct evidence that the people
at Aztec were actually killed off or driven out by armed conflict, the
later burials were all hastily made and usually unaccompanied by grave
offerings. In addition, almost the entire east wing had been destroyed
by fire. This could have been accidental and such a disaster might have
proven the final straw for an already beleaguered group; or they may
have fired the pueblo before leaving, or some marauding group might have
been responsible.
The photo in the original handbook
pictured human remains. Out of respect to the Pueblo descendants of the
people who lived at Aztec Ruins, the depiction of human remains and
funerary objects will not be displayed in the online edition.
An Aztec Ruins burial with pottery mug in situ.
Exactly why, after 25 or 30 years, the second group
also abandoned the site we may never know. Times were hard in the Four
Corners country, and by 1300 this area seems to have been virtually
depopulated. Perhaps the abandonment of Aztec, sometime after 1252, was
simply a local manifestation of this much larger dispersal.
No doubt the great drought of the last quarter of
that century contributed substantially to this general abandonment, but
there must have been other factors at work as well. The Indians regard
the forces of nature in a different manner than we do. They may have
been struggling through long years, not only with nature but among
themselves. They may have felt that their gods were against them, that
somehow they had offended them, and that nothing they could do in that
country would be right again. It may have seemed easier to them, family
by family, group by group, and perhaps pueblo by pueblo, to give up the
struggle and go elsewhere, to start over in new surroundings where the
gods might smile upon them once again.