Aztec Ruins in 1895.
Explorations and Excavations
Despite popular opinion, and despite the name applied
to the ruins, the Indians who built this ancient pueblo were not related
to the war-like Aztecs of Mexico. In the late 1800's, there was
considerable interest in the seemingly mysterious Aztec, Toltecs, and
other Indians of Mexico. The writings of Stephens, Prescott and others
had fired imaginations, and new communitiesparticularly those in
the vicinity of Indian ruinswere often given names of Indian
groups from south of the border.
So it was with the town of Aztec. When white settlers
first moved into the Animas Valley, they were intrigued by the great
stone ruins. Believing them to be the work of a long-vanished race from
the south, they named their town Aztec.
The ruins, in turn, became known as "those ruins at
Aztec" or simply as "the Aztec ruins," and so the name remains today. We
know now that the Aztecs of Mexico, whom Cortez conquered, had nothing
to do with these ruins. In fact, they were built and abandoned several
centuries before Cortez, and even before the Aztecs themselves were well
established in the Valley of Mexico.
The earliest reference to ruins along the Animas
River in the vicinity of Aztec is found on the map of Escalante's
Expedition in 1776-77. On that map, the cartographer, Miera y Pacheco,
has written in between the lines representing the Animas and Florida
Rivers the following:
The branches of these two rivers are capable of being
inhabited by very large populations as is shown by the ruins of very
ancient towns.
It is doubtful that Escalante or any of his party
actually saw the Aztec ruins themselves, since the map would indicate
that they were well north of that particular spot, probably somewhere in
the vicinity of the present-day Durango. Further, the Escalante map
shows the Rio Florida as flowing directly into the San Juan where
actually it flows into the Animas. Likewise, it shows what are now known
as the La Plata and Mancos Rivers as flowing into the Animas whereas
they flow directly into the San Juan. If any of the Escalante party had
followed these streams or the Animas to their junction with the San
Juan, these mistakes would not have been made on the map, so the party
must, therefore, have been well north of what is now Aztec.
Possibly other earlier explorers may have passed
near, or by, the Aztec ruins, but the next recorded visit occurred on
August 4, 1859, when Dr. John Strong Newberry visited the site.
Newberry, like many of the 19th-century men of science, was a man of
many talents. He graduated from Western Reserve University in 1846, then
obtained a degree in medicine, and later studied geology in Paris. At
one time or another he was associated with the Smithsonian Institution
and also taught geology at Columbian (now George Washington) University.
In 1859, he accompanied Capt. T. N. Macomb (a topographical engineer) on
an exploring trip from Santa Fe to the junction of the Grand (now upper
reaches of the Colorado River) and Green Rivers where they formed the
Colorado River. The following paragraph about the Aztec ruins is taken
from his account of this trip:
The principal structures are large pueblos handsomely
built of stone, and in a pretty good state of preservation. The external
walls are composed of yellow Cretaceous sandstone, dressed to a common
smooth surface without hammer-marks; in some places they are still 25
feet in height. As usual in buildings of this kind, the walls were
unbroken by door or window to a height of 15 feet above the foundation.
The interior shows a great number of small rooms, many of which are in a
perfect state of preservation, and handsomely plastered. These
structures are surrounded by mounds and fragments of masonry, marking
the sites of great numbers of subordinate buildings; the whole affording
conclusive evidence that a large population once had its home here.
White settlement of the valley around the ruins area
began in 1876, and from that time on the ruins have been well known.