Section of wall at Aztec Ruins showing a band of
green sandstone.
The Aztec Ruins Today
Aztec Ruins National Monument consists of an enclosed
area of 27 acres containing six major archeological complexes of rooms
and structures, and at least seven or eight smaller mounds which may
contain structures or may simply be trash and refuse mounds from the
larger occupation zones. Two of these major complexes have been
excavated: the West Ruin and the Hubbard Mound. Two of the
othersthe East Ruin and Mound Fhave been tested. Mound F is
evidently very similar to the Hubbard Mound.
The East Ruin, if excavated, might be similar in most
respects to the West Ruin, both in appearance and time of occupation. As
to whether the smaller mounds contain trash or house remains, only
thorough archeological investigations can tell. Morris' diggings and
subsequent small tests have indicated there may be earlier
(Developmental Pueblo) remains underlying the main prehistoric
complexes. Also, such remains might still be found under the windblown
sand in the flatter areas between the major ruins. No real archeological
work has ever been done in the monument area to determine the possible
extent of such earlier remains.

Aztec Ruins during excavations of the
The two main sites seen by the visitor to the
monument are therefore, the West Ruin and the Hubbard Mound. The West
Ruin was the one first entered by early settlers in the late 19th
century. The profuse remains caused extensive digging and looting for
about a decade. Then, under the ownership first of John R. Kuntz and
later of H. D. Abrams, the area was given a certain amount of
protection. During 1916-21, the American Museum of Natural History
excavated extensively in the West Ruin under the guidance of Morris.
Today, three-fourths of this ruin has been excavated, cleared, and
stabilized so that you may gain a firsthand impression of its original
appearance. The remaining one-fourth is largely unexcavated and, for all
anyone knows, may contain archeological riches equal to any recovered in
the early days or during the excavations by the American Museum of
Natural History.
Although some of the rooms and walls seen by the
first white settlers in the valley have now collapsed, evidence of at
least three stories is still clearly visible in several places in the
ruin. The main part consists of three sides of a rectangle with a
slightly bowing outer wall on the fourth side, composed of single rooms,
which seals off the central plaza. The only entrance into the pueblo was
the one along the path by which visitors enter the ruin today.
The pueblo was built of yellowish-brown and tan
sandstone blocks, most of them shaped into rectangles by pecking or
grinding. To support the weight of the upper rooms, the lower walls are
much thicker and are composed of rubble fill with an outer veneer wall
of the better shaped rectangular blocks. In many places, the spaces
between them are filled with small chinking stones set in adobe mud,
Sometimes broken pieces of pottery vessels were used for spalls.
Originally, the walls were plastered with layers of adobe, most of
which, unfortunately, have eroded away.
One unusual feature in the West Ruin consists of two
very fine bands of green sandstone blocks which extend horizontally
along the west outer wall of the pueblo and into a few of the interior
rooms of the southwest corner. There are indications in a few places
that originally there may have been three such parallel bands.
The north and northwest sides of the ruin contain the
most extensive building remains. The highest walls and best
construction still exist there, and one can see evidence of at least
three stories. Also in the north portion, along the extreme back row of
rooms at the ground level, there is a series of seven rooms, each of
which has its original ceiling intact. These seven were the first
entered by early relic hunters, who found most of the original doorways
to the south sealed up and who broke through the walls of each room in
an easterly direction. These breaches in the walls have been repaired
but left open, so that today you can go from one room to the next along
the path taken by the early explorers rather than through the doorways
used by the Indians.

Section of wall at Aztec Ruins showing sealed door
at left.
From the plaza, the Indians gained access to these
northwestern rooms by entering the west side rooms. Then, turning at
right angles, they proceeded northward through the doorways and rooms
until they reached the final row of rooms at the north.
Although not all are open to the public because of
their difficulty of access, there are 19 rooms in the ruin which still
have their original ceilings intact. In making a ceiling, the Indians
used two or more main stringersthat is, large beams of pine or
juniperwhich they set into the walls of the room at a height of 8
or 9 feet, traversing the shorter dimension of the room. Running at
right angles to the stringers, they placed cottonwood poles or splints
of juniper, and, over these, reeds, rushes, or woven matting. Upon this
they put adobe mud which was well packed to make a firm roof, or, if
there was to be another room above it, a stout floor.