Exterior of the reconstructed Great Kiva.
Explorations and Excavations (continued)
Besides excavating many of the kivas enclosed within
the pueblo rooms, Morris also excavated the large Chaco-like kiva in
front of the northeast corner, as well as the Great Kiva which is
centrally located on the south side of the plaza. Later, in 1933 and
1934, Morris returned to Aztec and supervised the stabilization and
reconstruction of this Great Kiva, so that today you see it as it
supposedly existed when the Indians used it for ceremonial purposes.
Immediately to the west of the main ruin, where the
brush had been cleared, Morris found a rather extensive low mound
The surface was an orderless succession of hummocks
and depressions, the former thickly strewn with cobblestones, the whole
presenting an appearance characteristic of most of the ruins in this end
of the valley.
Thinking these might be the remains of an earlier
structure, he excavated most of it. To his surprise, the reverse proved
to be true. Although there had undoubtedly been an earlier Chaco-like
sandstone structure at this point, most of it had been torn down and the
debris carried elsewhere or utilized in building the great ruin itself.
Morris said:
Overlying the earliest remains there are deposits of
clean earth, some of it presumably laid down by the elements, but the
bulk of it is excavated earth intentionally dumped where it lies.
At some later date, the Mesa Verde-like people had
built cobblestone houses, pit rooms, and small kivas on top of this
earlier debris. Today the outline of some of these cobblestone walls can
be seen on the ground just to the left of the visitor trail as it
proceeds northward to enter the main part of the West Ruin.
Since Morris' excavations at Aztec, there has been
sporadic digging, much of it in connection with the Service's ruins
stabilization program. To prevent soil moisture from seeping into the
lower footings of these ancient walls, it is frequently necessary to
dig down to their bases and cap them with concrete or preserve them by
other suitable methods. In doing so, old refuse pits, broken fragments
of pottery, or even a burial is occasionally turned up.
Recently, in making excavations in which to place dry
barrels for drainage purposes in two rooms on the east side, two
interesting ovenlike structures, each exactly centered in a room, were
accidentally found. Their location in adjoining rooms, and their
central position in the rooms, precludes the possibility that they were
pit ovens from an earlier period before the pueblo was built. Doubtless
they had been placed deliberately in these two rooms, and they may have
been used for roasting large quantities of corn or preparing certain
types of baked cornmeal or cornbread.
Also since Morris' time, the rooms through which you
may now pass, and which lie between the plaza proper and the rooms with
the intact ceilings, have been partially excavated in order to allow you
easier access to the plaza. Finally, as part of the stabilization
program, the remaining rooms in the south wing which enclosed the plaza,
and which were largely composed of cobblestones, were cleared and
Morris also excavated a few rooms in the East Ruin
simply as a test to see if it belonged to the same general period as the
larger ruin in the west. From his findings there he felt that the East
Ruin was erected during the Mesa Verde phase of Aztec.
In recent years, one other major excavation has been
undertaken at Aztec, This was the complete clearing and stabilization of
the circular structure to the north of the ruin known as the Hubbard
Mounda massive, circular, triple-walled structure, with underlying
scattered remains of earlier structures. Two heavy radial cobblestone
walls now extend to the south of the main structure, and excavations
revealed remnants of other heavy walls disappearing under the road to
the west. This indicates that the building had originally been one
corner of a group of structures. The main part of the Hubbard Mound
consists of three concentric circular walls; the spaces between the
outer two rings are partitioned into rooms. There are 8 rooms in the
inner circle, including an entrance room on the south, and 14 in the
outer, if you again count an open passageway on the south side.
Interestingly enough, the three circular walls are
heavier and extend deeper into the underlying sand than do the partition
walls, and therefore were constructed first as continuous circles.
Within the innermost circle there is a standard, small-type kiva.
Evidently the entire structure represents a building for the use of a
highly specialized religious organization. Part of the construction is
of sandstone blocks, part is cobblestone, and all of it seems to have
been generously plastered with adobe mud.
There are other examples of tri-walled structures in
the Southwest, but they are not very numerous and the exact uses to
which they might have been put are unknown. An analysis of materials
found during the excavation of the Hubbard Mound reveals that it
belonged to the Mesa Verde phase.
When Morris first undertook the excavations at Aztec
it was his intention, and that of the American Museum of Natural
History, to excavate the ruins completely. However, the undertaking was
a massive one. World War I intervened, with all its uncertainties, and
funds frequently ran short. In the later days of the excavations,
Morris realized there was an advantage to leaving parts of any ruin
unexcavated so that better archeological techniques in the future might
extract information of which he was unaware. At present, the National
Park Service feels much the same way. Perhaps 25 or 50 years from now
further excavations may be undertaken in this area, but for the present,
the ruins will be left as they are, complete with their feeling of