The Mission Children
On her 29th birthday, March 14, 1837, Narcissa
Whitman gave birth to her only child, a baby girl who was named Alice
Clarissa after her two grandmothers. Alice was the first child born of
United States citizens in the Pacific Northwest. Her arrival was a great
joy not only to her parents but to the Cayuse as well. The Indians had
been aware of the baby's coming, and after her birth all the chiefs and
elders of the tribe visited the house to see the temi or "Cayuse
girl," as they promptly named her because she was born on their
That autumn the Whitmans took 8-month-old Alice
Clarissa on a visit to the Spaldings at Lapwai. It was time for Eliza
Spalding's first confinement, and Dr. Whitman had come to officiate. On
November 15, the baby arrived. The Spaldings named their daughter Eliza,
after her mother. Back home again, little Alice Clarissa provided her
parents with untold happiness. But that happiness was to be tragically
short lived. On a fine Sunday afternoon, June 23, 1839, Alice Clarissa
Whitman met death by drowning. Unattended for a few minutes, she had
wandered down to the steep bank of the nearby Walla Walla River and had
fallen in. Though her body was found but a short time later, all
attempts to revive her failed. Her heartbroken parents tried to console
themselves with the thought that her demise was the will of God. Yet
their loneliness was immense. Before long, however, the Whitmans once
again had children in their home to care for and to raise.
The first of these was Helen Mar, the half-breed
daughter of the famous mountain man, Joe Meek. Helen Mar's Nez
Percé mother had deserted Meek, and when he journeyed to
Waiilatpu in 1840, he persuaded Mrs. Whitman to accept the care of the
child. The next year, another little part-Indian girl was added to the
Whitman household when another famous mountain man, Jim Bridger, sent
his 6-year-old Mary Ann to the Whitmans.
In 1842 two Indian women brought a "miserable-looking
child, a boy between three and four years old," to Narcissa and asked
her to take him in. This boy was also half-Indian; his Spanish father
had once been an employee of the Hudson's Bay Company. Narcissa tried to
decline the responsibility, but her pity was too great. Taking the
child, she named him after an old friend back home, David Malin. Then,
when Marcus returned to Oregon in 1843 from his trip East, he brought
with him his 13-year-old nephew, Perrin Whitman. Thus the Whitmans
acquired their fourth youngster.
The next seven children to be added to the household
were all of one family. In 1844 Henry and Naomi Sager left Missouri with
six children. On the trail to Oregon, Mrs. Sager gave birth to her
seventh child. But tragedy rode with the Sagers. Henry died when the
family reached the Green River; a month later, Mrs. Sager died near what
is now Twin Falls, Idaho. The children, benumbed by the loss of both
parents, were brought on by the wagon train. The women of the train took
turns caring for the baby, while Dr. Dagan, a German immigrant, drove
the Sager cart with the other six children toward the Whitmans'
For many days, the emigrants' wagons had been passing
through Waiilatpu. Just before the seven orphans came, Narcissa had
written home: "Here we are, one family alone, a way mark, as it were, or
center post, about which multitudes will or must gather this winter." On
the morning the children arrived Mrs. Whitman was called to the yard to
greet them. There she witnessed a poignant scene.
Before the cart stood the four barefoot girls in
their tattered dresses. Afraid of the unknown, they huddled
speechlessly, first looking at Mrs. Whitman then at one another, not
knowing what to expect. John, the older boy, still sat in the cart.
Exhausted but relieved, he bent his head to his knees and sobbed aloud.
His brother, Francis, leaned on a wheel and also began to cry. Dr.
Dagan, who had been both father and mother to the orphans, stood to one
side and, filled with emotion, watched Narcissa murmur a compassionate
welcome. She then took the children into the mission house.
At that time Narcissa's health was not good, and she
and Marcus debated that evening whether or not to take all seven orphans
into their family. But the plight of the children resolved all doubts.
The Whitmans now found themselves directly responsible for a family of
11 children.
In addition to this family, the children of the
emigrant families stopped at the mission each autumn and often stayed
for the winter. Also present were the children whom the Whitmans took
into their school as boarderssuch as the young lady whom Dr.
Whitman had brought into the world, Eliza Spaldingand the two
Manson boys, the half-breed sons of a Hudson's Bay employee at Fort
Walla Walla. Thus, following the death of Alice Clarissa, there was
always a large number of youthful voices at Waiilatpu, as indeed there
was, to a lesser degree, at the other missions.

An Indian woman made this doll for young Elizabeth Sager.