They joined the rails from East and West.
They drove the Golden Spike.
They marked the day with wine and cheers,
And then they signalled "Done."
A railroad built in record time.
The builders justly proud.
They bound the land with bands of iron,
Began the frontier's end.
Driving the Last Spike
At Promontory the afternoon of May 7 was sultry and
the sky heavy with rain clouds, which annoyed the photographers trying
to capture the climactic scenes of construction. The Stanford Special
arrived with an array of dignitaries from California and Nevada headed
by Leland Stanford.
Also aboard were the ceremonial trappings to be used
in uniting the rails. There was a golden spike presented by David Hewes,
San Francisco construction magnate. Intrinsically worth $350, it was
engraved with the names of the C.P. Directors, sentiments appropriate to
the occasion, and, on the head, the notation "The Last Spike." There was
another gold spike, presented by the San Francisco News Letter; a
silver spike brought by U.S. Commissioner J. W. Haines as Nevada's
contribution; and a spike of iron, silver, and gold brought by Gov. A.
P. K. Safford to represent Arizona. (Arizonians knew nothing of it.
Safford had not yet taken office and had never been in Arizona.)
Finally, there was a sliver-plated sledge presented by the Pacific Union
Express Company, and a polished laurel tie presented by West Evans, the
Central Pacific's tie contractor.

Waiting for the last rails to be laid at Promontory,
May 10, 1869. Union Pacific
The festive mood of the Stanford Special noticeably
dampened when Jack Casement broke the news that the Union Pacific could
not hold the ceremony on May 8, as planned, and would not be ready until
May 10. The Stanford party faced the prospect of spending the weekend on
the bleak Promontory. To make matters worse, rain began falling. It
continued for 2 days, turning Promontory Summit into a sea of mud.
Stanford wired the unwelcome news to San Francisco, but too late. The
citizens there had already started celebrating. Undismayed, they
celebrated for 3 days.
Casement's explanation for the delay was that the
trains bringing the dignitaries from the East had been held up in Weber
Canyon. Heavy rains had made the roadbed soft and had washed out a
trestle. But there was another reason, too. The special train carrying
Vice President Durant, Sidney Dillon, and other U.P. officials had
reached Piedmont, Wyo., on May 6. A gang of 500 workers surrounded
Durant's private car shouting demands for back wages. When the conductor
tried to move the train out of the station, the men uncoupled Durant's
car, shunted it onto a siding, and chained the wheels to the rails. Here
he would stay, they said, until their pay was forthcoming. To make sure,
they also took possession of the telegraph office. Durant submitted,
wired Oliver Ames in Boston for the money, and paid off the strikers. He
was released and managed to be at Promontory on May 10, although the
severe headache he suffered that day may well have owed its origin to
the experience at Piedmont.
Left in the role of host at Promontory, Casement made
up an excursion train, stocked with "a bountiful collation and oceans of
champagne," to take the Stanford party sightseeing. The train left
Promontory Saturday morning. At Taylor's Mill the Union Pacific staged a
"splendid luncheon" on the banks of the Weber River. "The most cordial
harmony and good feeling marked their entertainment and all the toasts
were drank with loud applause," reported a correspondent. From here the
party went to Ogden, rode a short distance up Weber Canyon, and spent
the night in Ogden. Next day, Sunday, they returned to Promontory,
boarded the Stanford Special, and pulled back to Monument Point to enjoy
a repast of plover.
This same day, May 9, Casement's workers at
Promontory kept busy. As the rain continued, they laid the final 2,500
feet of track, leaving a length of one rail separating their track from
that of the Central Pacific. They also installed a Y for the locomotives
to use in turning around.

The joining of the rails at Promontory, May 10, 1869. Shaking
hands in center are chief engineers Samuel S. Montague of C.P., and Grenville
M. Dodge of U.P.
The rain ended during the night and May 10 dawned
bright, clear, and a bit chilly. During the morning two trains from the
East and two from the West arrived at Promontory bearing railroad
officials, guests, and spectators. With the construction workers and
assorted denizens of Promontory, the crowd totaled, according to the
best estimates, 500 to 600 peoplefar short of the 30,000 that had
been predicted.
Among those representing the Central Pacific were
Stanford, Strobridge, Montague, and Gray; for the Union Pacific, Durant,
Dillon, Duff, Dodge, Reed, and the Casement brothers. Important guests
had come from Nevada, California, Utah and Wyoming. Huntington, Hopkins,
and Crocker, of the C.P. did not attend; nor did the U.P.'s Oakes and
Oliver Ames. Brigham Young sent Bishop John Sharp to represent the
Mormon Church. About 15 reporters covered the proceedings. A battalion
of the 21st Infantry under Maj. Milton Cogswell, enroute to the Presidio
of San Francisco, was opportunely on hand to lend a military air. The
military band from Fort Douglas and the 10th Ward Band from Salt Lake
City supplied the music.
Officials of both roads had been unable to agree on
details of the program. Stanford had come equipped with spikes and other
ceremonial trappings, but Dodge wanted the Union Pacific to stage its
own last spike ceremony. Only two preparations had been made in advance.
The speeches had been written and handed to newsmen in Ogden on Sunday,
and the telegraphers had devised an apparatus for transmitting the blows
on the last spike by telegraph to the waiting Nation. An ordinary sledge
(not the silver-plated one) had been connected by wire to the Union
Pacific telegraph line, and an ordinary spike had been similarly
connected to the Central Pacific wire. Five minutes before noon, when
the proceedings were to begin, Stanford and Durant agreed on a joint
The crowd had grown loud and unmanageable, which
interfered with the ceremony and made it impossible for most people to
see what was happening. One reporter wrote that "it is to be regretted
that no arrangements were made for surrounding the work with a line of
some sort, in which case all might have witnessed the work without
difficulty. As it was, the crowd pushed upon the workmen so closely
that less than twenty persons saw the affair entirely, while none of the
reporters were able to hear all that was said." This explains the
confusion that has surrounded the history of the event.
At noon the infantrymen lined up on the west side of
the tracks, and Casement tried, with little success, to get the crowd to
move back so that everyone could see. The Union Pacific's No. 119, with
Engineer Sam Bradford, and the Central Pacific's "Jupiter," with
Engineer George Booth, steamed up and stopped, facing each other across
the gap in the rails. Spectators swarmed over both locomotives trying to
obtain a better view. At 12:20 p.m. Strobridge and Reed carried the
polished laurel tie and placed it in position. Auger holes had been
carefully bored in the proper places for seating the ceremonial spikes.
Officials and prominent guests formed a semicircle on the east side of
the tracks.
Edgar Mills, a Sacramento businessman, served as
master of ceremonies and introduced the Rev. Dr. John Todd of
Pittsfield, Mass., correspondent for the Boston Congregationalist
and the New York Evangelist. Dr. Todd opened the ceremony with a
2-minute prayer, while telegraph operators from Atlantic to Pacific
cleared the wires for the momentous clicks from Promontory. At 12:40
p.m., W. N. Shilling, a telegraph key on a small table in front of him,
tapped out: "We have got done praying. The spike is about to be
Next, Dr. W. H. Harkness of Sacramento presented to
Durant, with appropriate remarks, the two gold spikes. Durant slid them
into the holes in the laurel tie, and Dodge made the response. U.S.
Commissioner F. A. Tritle and Governor Safford presented the Nevada and
Arizona spikes, and these Stanford slid into the holes prepared. L. W.
Coe, President of Pacific Union Express Company, presented Stanford with
the silver sledge, which was then used symbolically to "drive" the
precious spikes, although the blows, if indeed any were given, were not
sharp enough to leave marks on the spikes.
Finally came the actual driving of the last
spikean ordinary iron spike driven with an ordinary sledge into an
ordinary tie. Using the wired sledge, Stanford and Durant both swung at
the wired spike. Both missed, to the delight of the crowd. Shilling,
however, clicked three dots over the wires at exactly 12:47 p.m.,
triggering celebrations at every major city in the country. With an
unwired sledge, Strobridge and Reed divided the task of actually driving
the last spike in the Pacific Railroad,
Amid cheers, the two engineers advanced the pilots of
their locomotives over the junction. Men on the pilots joined hands, and
a bottle of champagne was broken over the laurel tie as christening. The
chief engineers of the railroad shook hands as the photographers exposed
wet plates. The military officers and their wives gave the precious
spikes ceremonial taps with the tangs of their sword hilts. The Central
Pacific's "Jupiter" backed up and the Union Pacific's No. 119 crossed
the junction. Then No. 119 backed up and let "Jupiter" cross the
junction, thus symbolizing the inauguration of transcontinental rail

Central Pacific's "Jupiter" and Union Pacific's No. 119
Southern Pacific and Union Pacific photos
Shilling sent off two telegrams: "General U. S.
Grant, President of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Sir: We have the honor to
report the last rail laid and the last spike driven. The Pacific
Railroad is finished." "To the Associated Press: The last rail is laid,
the last spike driven, the Pacific railroad is completed. Point of
Junction, ten hundred eighty-six miles west of the Missouri river and
six hundred ninety miles east of SacramentoLeland Stanford, Thomas
C. Durant."
The ceremony over, the precious spikes and tie were
removed. Even so, souvenir hunters made necessary numerous replacements
of the "last spike" and the "last tie." Central Pacific's "Jupiter" soon
left for Sacramento, but Union Pacific's No. 119 remained until evening,
presenting, as one reporter observed, "a scene of merriment in which
Officers, Directors, Track Superintendents and Editors joined with the
utmost enthusiasm." It was late when the celebration ended.