The First Winter Encampment in Morris
SITUATION: JANUARY 1777. Sir William Howe had been
mistaken. Near the middle of December 1776, as Commander in Chief of His
Majesty's army in America, he believed the rebellion of Great Britain's
trans-Atlantic colonies crushed beyond hope of revival. "Mr."
Washington's troops had been driven from New York, pursued through New
Jersey, and forced at last to cross the Delaware River into
Pennsylvania. The British had captured Maj. Gen. Charles Lee, the only
American general they thought possessed real ability. Some mopping up
might be necessary in the spring, but the arduous work of conquest was
over. Howe could spend a comfortable winter in New York, and Lord
Cornwallis, the British second in command, might sail for England and
Then suddenly, with whirlwind effect, these pleasant
reveries were swept away in the roar of American gunfire at Trenton in
the cold, gray dawn of December 26, and at Princeton on January 3. Out
generaled, bewildered, and half in panic, the British forces pulled back
to New Brunswick. Now they were 60 miles from their objective at
Philadelphia, instead of 19. Worst of all, they had been maneuvered into
this ignominious retreat by a "Tatterde-mallion" army one-sixth the size
of their own, and they were on the defensive. "We have been boxed about
in Jersey," lamented one of Howe's officers, "as if we had no feelings."
George Washington with his valiant comrades in arms had weathered the
dark crisis. For the time being at least, the Revolution was saved.
The Ford Powder Mill, built by Col.
Jacob Ford, Jr., in 1776.
The Old Morris County Courthouse of Revolutionary War times.
plan at the beginning of this lightninglike campaign was to capture New
Brunswick, where he might have destroyed all the British stores and
magazines, "taken (as we have since learnt) their Military Chest
containing 70,000 £ and put an end to the War." But Cornwallis, in
Trenton, had heard the cannon sounding at Princeton that morning of
January 3, and, just as the Americans were leaving the town, the van of
the British Army came in sight. By that time the patriot forces were
nearly exhausted, many of the men having been without any rest for 2
nights and a day. The 600 or 800 fresh troops required for a successful
assault on New Brunswick were not at hand. Washington held a hurried
conference with his officers, who advised against attempting too much.
Then, destroying the bridge over the Millstone River immediately east of
Kingston, the Continentals turned north and marched to Somerset Court
House (now Millstone), where they arrived between dusk and 11 o'clock
that night.
Washington marched his men to Pluckemin the next day,
rested them over Sunday, January 5, and on the Monday following
continued on northward into Morristown. There the troops arrived, noted
an American officer, "at 5 P. M. and encamped in the woods, the snow
covering the ground." Thus began the first main encampment of the
Continental Army in Morris County.
The Ford Mansion, shelter for Delaware troops in 1777 and occupied
as Washington's headquarters during the terrible winter of
May 12, 1777, described the Morristown of that day as "a very Clever
little village, situated in a most beautiful vally at the foot of 5
mountains." Farming was the mainstay of its people, some 250 in number
and largely of New England stock, but nearby ironworks were already
enriching a few families and employing more and more laborers. Among the
50 or 60 buildings in Morristown, the most important seem to have been
the Arnold Tavern, the Presbyterian and Baptist Churches, and the Morris
County Courthouse and Jail, all located on an open "Green" from which
streets radiated in several directions. There were also a few sawmills,
gristmills, and a powder mill, the last built on the Whippany River, in
1776, by Col. Jacob Ford, Jr., commander of the Eastern Battalion,
Morris County Militia. Colonel Ford's dwelling house, then only a few
years old, was undoubtedly the handsomest in the village.
Washington's immediate reasons for bringing his
troops to Morristown were that it appeared to be the place "best
calculated of any in this Quarter, to accomodate and refresh them," and
that he knew not how to obtain covering for the men elsewhere. He must
have been impressed also with the demonstrated loyalty of Morris County
to the patriot cause, even in those dreary, anxious weeks of late 1776
when its militia helped considerably to stave off attempted enemy
incursions directly westward from the vicinity of New York. Finally,
there were already at Morristown three Continental regiments previously
ordered down from Fort Ticonderoga, and union with these would
strengthen the forces under his personal command.
The Arnold Tavern, where Washington reputedly stayed in
Even so, Washington hoped at first to move again
before long, and it was only as circumstances forced him to remain in
this small New Jersey community that its advantages as a base for
American military operations became fully apparent. From here he could
virtually control an extensive agricultural country, cutting off its
produce from the British and using it instead to sustain the Continental
Army. In the mountainous region northwest of Morristown were many forges
and furnaces, such as those at Hibernia, Mount Hope, Ringwood, and
Charlottenburg, from which needed iron supplies might be obtained. The
position was also difficult for an enemy to attack. Directly eastward,
on either side of the main road approach from Bottle Hill (now Madison)
large swamp areas guarded the town. Still further east, almost midway
between Morristown and the Jersey shore, lay the protecting barriers of
Long Hill, and the First and Second Watchung Mountains. Their parallel
ridges stretched out for more than 30 miles, like a huge earthwork, from
the Raritan River on the south toward the northern boundary of the
State, whence they were continued by the Ramapos to the Hudson
Highlands. In addition to all this, the village was nearly equidistant
from Newark, Perth Amboy, and New Brunswick, the main British posts in
New Jersey, so that any enemy movement could be met by an American
counterblow, either from Washington's own outposts or from the center of
his defensive-offensive web at Morristown itself. A position better
suited to all the Commander in Chiefs purposes, either in that winter of
1777 or in the later 177980 encampment period, would have been
hard to find.
Morristown and Related American Outposts in the
Revolutionary War.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
has it that upon arriving in Morristown, on January 6, Washington went
to the Arnold Tavern, and that his headquarters remained there all
through the 1777 encampment period. Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene lodged
for a time "at Mr. Hoffman's,a very good-natured, doubtful
gentleman." Captain Rodney and his men were quartered at Colonel Ford's
"elegant" house until about mid-January, when they left for Delaware and
Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne, on rejoining Washington in
the spring of 1777, is said to have stayed at the homestead of Deacon
Ephraim Sayre, in Bottle Hill. It has been stated that other officers,
and a large number of private soldiers as well, were given shelter in
Morristown or nearby villages by the Ely, Smith, Beach, Tuttle,
Richards, Kitchell, and Thompson families.
Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene.
Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne.
According to the Reverend Samuel L. Tuttle, a local
historian writing in 1871, there was also a campground for the troops
about 3 miles south east of Morristown on what were then the farms of
John Easton and Isaac Pierson, in the valley of Loantaka Brook. Tuttle
obtained his information from one Silas Brookfield and other
eyewitnesses of the Revolutionary scene, who claimed that the troops
built a village of log huts at that location. It is highly curious that
not one of Washington's published letters or orders refers to such
buildings, nor are they mentioned in any other contemporary written
records studied to date.
INSTABILITY OF THE ARMY. However the troops were
sheltered, it was not long before the army which had fought at Trenton
and Princeton began to melt away. Deplorable health conditions, lack of
proper clothing, insufficient pay to meet rising living costs, and many
other instances of neglect had discouraged the soldiery all through the
1776 campaign. The volunteer militiamen were particularly dissatisfied.
Some troops were just plain homesick, and nearly all had already served
beyond their original or emergency terms of enlistment. They had little
desire for another round of hard military life.
Washington described his situation along this line in
a letter of January 19 addressed to the President of Congress: "The
fluctuating state of an Army, composed Chiefly of Militia, bids fair to
reduce us to the Situation in which we were some little time ago, that
is, of scarce having any Army at all, except Reinforcements speedily
arrive. One of the Battalions from the City of Philadelphia goes home to
day, and the other two only remain a few days longer upon Courtesy. The
time, for which a County Brigade under Genl. Muffin came out, is
expired, and they stay from day to day, by dint of Solicitation. Their
Numbers much reduced by desertions. We have about Eight hundred of the
Eastern Continental Troops remaining, of twelve or fourteen hundred who
at first agreed to stay, part engaged to the last of this Month and part
to the middle of next. The five Virginia Regts. are reduced to a handful
of Men, as is Col Hand's, Smallwood's, and the German Battalion. A few
days ago, Genl Warner arrived, with about seven hundred Massachusetts
Militia engaged to the 15th [of] March. Thus, you have a Sketch of our
present Army, with which we are obliged to keep up Appearances, before
an Enemy already double to us in Numbers."
Commander in Chief noted in another letter of nearly the same date, his
few remaining troops were "absolutely perishing" for want of clothing,
"Marching over Frost and Snow, many without a Shoe, Stocking or
Blanket." Nor, due to certain inefficiencies in the supply services, was
the food situation any better. "The Cry of want of Provisions come to me
from every Quarter," Washington stormed angrily on February 22 to
Matthew Irwin, a Deputy Commissary of Issues: "Gen. Maxwell writes word
that his People are starving; Gen. Johnston, of Maryland, yesterday
inform'd me, that his People could draw none; this difficulty I
understand prevails also at Chatham! What Sir is the meaning of this?
and why were you so desirous of excluding others from this business when
you are unable to accomplish it yourself? Consider, I beseech you, the
consequences of this neglect, and exert yourself to remove the Evil."
Even in May, near the end of the 1777 encampment, there was an acute
shortage of food.
Washington wrought mightily to "new model" the American fighting forces.
Late in 1776, heeding at last his pressing argument for longer
enlistments, Congress had called upon the States to raise 88 Continental
battalions, and had also authorized recruitment of 16 "additional
battalions" of infantry, 3,000 light horse, three regiments of
artillery, and a corps of engineers. A magnificent dream of an army
75,000 strong! Washington knew, however, that it was more than "to say
Presto begone, and every thing is done." Very early that winter he sent
many of his general officers into their own States to hurry on the new
levies. Night and day, too, he was in correspondence with anyone who
might help in the cause, writing prodigiously. Still the business lagged
painfully. "I have repeatedly wrote to all the recruiting Officers, to
forward on their Men, as fast as they could arm and cloath them," the
Commander in Chief advised Congress on January 26, "but they are so
extremely averse to turning out of comfortable Quarters, that I cannot
get a Man to come near me, tho' I hear from all parts, that the
recruiting Service goes on with great Success." For nearly 3 months
more, as events turned out, he had to depend for support on ephemeral
militia units, "here to-day, gone to-morrow." April 5 found him still
wondering if he would ever get the new army assembled.
Sketches of the Baptist Church(left) and the
Presbyterian Church (right) at Morristown, both used as
smallpox hospitals in 1777.
SICKNESS AND DEATH. But the patriot cup of woe was
not yet filled, and there was still another evil to fight. This was
smallpox, which together with dysentery, rheumatism, and assorted
"fevers" had victimized hundreds of American troops in 1776. Now the
dread disease threatened to run like wildfire through the whole army,
old and new recruits alike.
Medical knowledge of that day offered but one real
hope of saving the Continental forces from this "greatest of all
calamities," namely, to communicate a mild form of smallpox by
inoculation to every soldier who had not yet been touched by the
contagion, thus immunizing him against its more virulent effects "when
taken in the natural way." Washington was convinced of this by the time
he arrived at Morristown on January 6. He therefore ordered Dr.
Nathaniel Bond to prepare at once for handling the business of mass
inoculation in northern New Jersey, and instructed Dr. William Shippen,
Jr., to inoculate without delay both the American troops then in
Philadelphia and the recruits "that shall come in, as fast as they
arrive." During the next 3 months, similar instructions or suggestions
were sent to officers and civil authorities connected with recruitment
in New York, New Jersey, New England, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Undertaken secretly at first, the bold project was
soon going full swing throughout Morristown and surrounding villages.
Inoculation centers were set up in private houses, with guards placed
over them to prevent "natural" spread of the infection. The troops went
through the treatment in several "divisions," at intervals of 5 or 6
days. Washington waxed enthusiastic as the experiment progressed.
"Innoculation at Philadelphia and in this Neighbourhood has been
attended with amazing Success," he wrote to the Governor of Connecticut,
"and I have not the least doubt but your Troops will meet the same." As
of March 14, however, about 1,000 soldiers and their attendants were
still incapacitated in Morristown and vicinity, leaving but 2,000 others
as the army's total effective strength in New Jersey. A blow struck by
Sir William Howe at that time might have been disastrous for the
Americans. Fortunately, it never came.
The episode was not without its tragic side, however.
Since smallpox in any form was highly contagious, civilians in the whole
countryside near the camp also had to be inoculated along with the army.
Some local people, and a small number of soldiers as well, contracted
the disease naturally before the project got under way, or perhaps
refused submission to the treatment. Isolation hospitals for these
unfortunates were established in the Presbyterian and Baptist Churches
at Morristown, and in the Presbyterian Church at Hanover. The patients
died like flies. In the congregation of the Morristown Presbyterian
Church alone, no less than 68 deaths from smallpox were recorded in
1777. Those who survived the ordeal were almost always pockmarked by
the gauntlet of these and other problems, all at the same time, was
discouraging for Washington, to say the least. Few generals have ever
been more skilled, however, in ferreting out their opportunities, or in
making better use of them. Nearly on a par with his remarkable victories
at Trenton and Princeton was the way in which he reasserted patriot
control over most of New Jersey during the winter and spring of 1777,
excepting only the immediate neighborhood of New Brunswick and Perth
Amboy. Even there, as time went on, the American pressure became more or
less constant.
Stationing bodies of several hundred light troops at
Princeton, Bound Brook, Elizabethtown, and other outlying posts, the
Commander in Chief inaugurated from the beginning what might be termed a
"scorched earth" policy. First came an order, on January 11, "to collect
all the Beef, Pork, Flour, Spirituous Liquors, &c. &c. not
necessary for the Subsistence of the Inhabitants, in all the parts of
East Jersey, lying below the Road leading from Brunswick to Trenton."
This was followed, on February 3, by instructions for removing out of
enemy reach "all the Horses, Waggons, and far Cattle" his generals could
lay their hands on. Payment for these items was to be guaranteed, but
they might be taken by force from Tories and others who refused to sell.
Washington likewise ordered the incessant hampering of all enemy
attempts to obtain food and forage. "I would not suffer a man to stir
beyond their Lines," he wrote to Col. Joseph Reed, "nor suffer them to
have the least Intercourse with the Country."
Conditions being what they were, the success with
which these orders were carried into effect is astounding. Gradually,
more provisions found their way to Morristown. On the other hand, hardly
an enemy foraging party could leave its own camp without being set upon
by the Americans. Newspapers, letters, and diaries of the period are
filled with accounts of recurrent clashes between detachments of the two
armies some involving several thousand men. There were no great
casualties on either side, but the Continentals seldom came off
second-best. "Amboy and Brunswick," wrote one historian, "were in a
manner besieged." Both enemy troops and horses grew sickly from want of
fresh food, and many of them died before spring. In New York itself,
where Sir William Howe kept headquarters, all kinds of provisions became
"extremely dear" in price. Firewood was equally scarce in city and
Thus, by enterprise and daring expedients, Washington
greatly discomfited the British Army, reduced still further its waning
influence in New Jersey, and simultaneously maintained his own small
force in action, preventing the men's minds from yielding to
THE PROSPECT BRIGHTENS. As spring advanced and roads
became more passable, the new Continental levies finally began to come
in. "The thin trickle became a rivulet, then a clear stream, though
never a flood." By May 20, Washington had in New Jersey 38 regiments
with a total of 8,188 men. Five additional regiments were listed, but
showed no returns at that time. Moreover, this new army was on a fairly
substantial footing, the enlistments being either for 3 years, or for
the duration of the war. There was also an abundance of arms and
ammunition, including 1,000 barrels of powder, 11,000 gunflints, and
22,000 muskets sent over from France. "From the present information,"
wrote Maj. Gen. Henry Knox to his wife, "it appears that America will
have much more reason to hope for a successful campaign the ensuing
summer than she had the last."
Now, with the prospects thus brightening, there might
be something of a brief social season to relieve the strain of hard
work. Martha Washington had arrived at headquarters on March 15, and
other American officers looked forward to being joined by their wives.
An intimate word picture of the Commander in Chief in his lighter moods
was drawn by one such camp visitor, Mrs. Martha Daingerfield Bland, in a
letter written to her sister-in-law from Morristown on May 12: "Now let
me speak of our Noble & Agreeable Commander (for he Commands
both sexes . . .) We visit them [the Washingtons] twice or three times a
week by particular invitationEv'ry day frequently from
Inclination, he is Generally busy in the fore noonbut from dinner
til night he is free for all Company his Worthy Lady seemes to be in
perfect felicity while she is by the side of her old Man as she
Calls him, We often make partys on Horse backe the Genl his Lady, Miss
Livingstons & his aid de Camps . . . at Which time General
Washington throws of[f] the Hero& takes up the chatty
agreeable Companionhe can be down right impudent some
timessuch impudence, Fanny, as you & I like...."
END OF THE 1777 ENCAMPMENT. General Howe had
meanwhile determined, as early as April 2, to embark on another major
attempt to capture Philadelphia, this time by sea approach. He
apparently kept his own counsel, however, and up to the last minute
neither the American nor the British Army knew his real intentions. The
garrisons at Perth Amboy and New Brunswick left their cramped winter
quarters for encampments in the open soon after the middle of May. This
colored reports that Howe was about to attack Morristown, or that, while
his main force advanced by land towards Philadelphia, a band of
Loyalists would march from Bergen into Sussex County to aid a rising of
the Tories there.
Made uneasy by these and other British movements,
Washington decided that the time had come to leave Morristown. On May
28, therefore, leaving behind a small detachment to guard what military
stores were still in the village, he accordingly moved the Continental
Army to Middlebrook Valley, behind the first Warchung Mountain a short
distance north of Bound Brook, and only 8 miles from New Brunswick. This
was a natural position from which the Americans could both defy attack
and threaten any overland expedition the enemy might make. Such was the
relationship of the two armies as the curtain went up on the ensuing
summer campaign. The encampment of 1777 at Morristown had drawn to a