An Obsession to Create
Thomas Edison was not born to a life of ease. He was
pre-Civil War, small town, middle-class America. He may have been a
genetic accident, for his precursors showed little of the potent drive
or sponge-like mental powers of the boy who devoured the Detroit Free
Library with only three months of school learning.
Financial insecurity was a way of life to the Edison
family. To his mother, Edison attributed the "making of me." To his
ne'er-do-well father, who once beat him and shamed him unmercifully in
the town square, he displayed great generosity and affection in his
later life.
Drive he had from the earliestenormous power to
resist physical and mental fatigue and a single-mindedness that more
"well-adjusted" folk could never sustain. By his teens he was operating
a lucrative business of his own by selling newspapers and goodies to
passengers on the Grand Trunk Railroad in Michigan. His very youthful
fascination for chemistry persisted in the lab-on-wheels he made in the
corner of a stuffy and creaking baggage car.
During his teens he became nearly totally deaf by
accident or illness. When he began a new career as a telegrapher at 16,
the deafness certainly was a disadvantage, though at times he claimed it
allowed him to concentrate and not be distracted by other telegraphic
circuit noises.
In his late teens Edison the telegrapher was Edison
the rebel. He could not abide the discipline and strictures imposed by
others. He was an expert operator, but the boredom of the work drove him
to break the rules, sometimes for pure amusement. Being fired or
quitting jobs was a way of life. He moved from town to town, working in
such places as Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Nashville, Memphis,
Louisville, and Boston.
Telegraphy problems consumed his interest in those
years. He spent hours trying to work out ways to improve circuits, to
automate, to increase the reach of that singing wire. In almost a
fairy-tale fantasy he struck it rich at 23 in New York by inventing a
vastly improved stock ticker, close cousin of the telegraph. He was
rich, for a while, and he was on his way to a creative half century of

The electrographic vote recorder, below, and the
stock ticker were Edison's first two inventions. He could not sell the
vote tabulating machine, but he received $40,000 for his initial stock
ticker improvements. He used most of that money to buy the building on
Ward Street in Newark in which he produced the stock machines and
numerous other inventions.
In his twenties, communications problems continued to
fascinate him. In those years, John Ott, Charles Batchelor, and John
Kruesi joined his staff in Newark, N.J., and gave him the dedicated
craftsmen and skilled artisans he needed to translate his many ideas
into objects.
Innumerable small improvements in telegraphy
apparatus came out of the shop where the money making stock ticker was
produced. He worked hard at developing a
two-message-at-a-time-on-one-wire device called a Duplex and was
temporarily crushed when Joseph B. Stearns finished his improvement
first and beat him to the Patent Office.
Edison later pursued a long-held dream of perfecting
a device which would handle four messages at one time on the same wire.
It was the Edison method: try, change, try, change, again and again. He
had to complete the Quadruplex to his own great satisfaction and profit,
for Western Union was as anxious as the young inventor to see this
device materialize.

The establishment selected was wholly unpretentious and devoid of
architectural beauty, but it was centrally located in Ward street,
Newark, supplied with a comparative abundance of facilities and manned
by a force of three hundred....
W. K. L. and Antonia Dickson, The Life and
Inventions of Thomas Alva Edison, 1894
They saw it finished in 1874, and fortune, fame, and
future were made almost certain for Edison. He was becoming experienced
at surviving the patent lawsuits, lies, idea-thievery and humbug that
then typified the industrial life of America.
Years earlier, a more idealistic Edison had produced
a clever electric vote tabulator for use by legislative bodies. But the
members of those institutions did not want the device; it was too
efficient, it would prevent dealing while voting. He rarely made the
error of invention-for-its-own-sake again. Instead, he set his sights on
fulfilling both the desire to create and the very human passion for fame
and fortune.
America's inventors of the day were a rough and
tumble lot. They bore little resemblance to such scientists of an
earlier day as Joseph Henry, who was so self-effacing, scholarly, and
gentlemanly that he would not lower himself to making money on a new
idea by obtaining a patent. Henry considered science a Christian
calling, and if the 19th century witnessed a dichotomy between pure and
practical science it was best illustrated by the contrast between Henry
on the one hand and Goodyear, Bell, Morse, McCormick, and Edison on the
Alexander Graham Bell was a contemporary of Edison
and a competitor in the communications field. He was born the same year
as Edison and lived nearly as long. Bell had an intense interest in
teaching the deaf. To communicate with them he envisaged an "harmonic
telegraph" and was fascinated by reports of Stearns' duplex telegraph in
1872. His wrestling with perfection problems brought him to envision
further the manufacture of a "phonoautograph," a device which would
translate sound waves into a meaningful pattern of curves on a smoked
glass. All these hopes, combined with thousands of hours of work,
brought Bell a patent in 1876 for the first device to transmit human
speech by electricitythe telephone. Only a few hours after Bell
filed for a patent, Elisha Gray filed a very similar sketch. Bell made a
fortune; Gray did not.
One suspects some understandable jealousy on Edison's
part regarding Bell's success. Edison had tinkered in the field, and
Western Union soon engaged him to invent a better telephone. Edison was
confident he could do much more with Bell's very crude instrument; its
tiny squeaking was human speech only to those with vivid

Alexander Graham Bell, left, and Samuel F. B.
Morse were like Edison in that they concentrated their inventive
energies on goods which would ease man's daily toil. Bell is best known
for inventing the telephone and Morse for the
Edison's improvement, a carbon transmitter combined
with Bell's magneto receiver, was a much more distinct instrument. But
Edison was just one of many inventors seeking to improve Bell's
instrument, and only a few weeks earlier Emile Berliner got the jump on
some aspects of Edison's improvements in a caveat he filed with the
Patent Office. After a 15-year court fight Edison was credited with
developing the successful carbon transmitter.
Bell's conflict with Gray and Edison's with Berliner
were typical of those days. Inventors were competing with each other all
the time. They often would take another's idea and try to refine or
change it in such a way that they could call the idea their own. Major
firms such as Western Union and Bell Telephone would buy the ideas and
in turn compete. It was the era of idea thievery, and great profits were
the stakes. Edison admitted to being among the most vigorous of the idea
thieves, but he added, one imagines with a twinkle, "I know how to