The Shape of the Land Today
Knowledge of the geological history of an area
enables us to better understand the shape of the land today. It will be
recalled that earth movements depressed the land on the north, south,
and east, leaving the Olympic Mountains standing alone, isolated from
other mountains. However, they are a segment of that elongated western
fringe of mountains known as the Coast Range. In all that range the
Olympics are the highest; yet, for western mountains they are not high,
dominating Mount Olympus being only 7,954 feet above sea level. This is
not to suggest, however, that the Olympics are small. These mountains
have their base at sea level, or not much above, and viewed from any
lowland position they appear impressive indeed. A mountain climb will
confirm this idea of their size.
There is no single range of mountains in the
Olympics, but a profusion of peaks and ridges with intervening
valleysa mountain dome 60 miles across from north to south and
east to west, cut by glaciers and numerous streams into rugged peaks and
steep-walled valleys. There are nearly a hundred named peaks in Olympic
National Park.
Mount Olympus occupies a central position on the
Peninsula. To the west the ridges descend gradually and merge with the
coastal plain which varies from a few to 20 miles in width. The eastern
half of the Olympics maintain a high elevation all the way to the
eastern edge. There they drop steeply to Hood Canal, an arm of Puget
Sound, leaving but little lowland on that side of the Peninsula. The
mountains end abruptly on the north side, too, but with some foothills
between them and the shores of Juan de Fuca Strait, some 3 to 6 miles
distant. Except for the western slopes, the ridges have a fairly uniform
elevation of between 5,000 and 6,000 feet, and the peaks rise 1,000 to
2,000 feet higher.
The Olympic high country shows the effects of glacier
scouring everywhere. Numerous lakes lie in basins that were scooped out
by the same glaciers that carved circular hollows at the heads of
valleys. Slopes sweep upward from the basins with increasing steepness
and in many places end in serrated rock ridges and pinnacles. Out of the
basins the valleys continue broadened and U-shaped. The larger valleys
of the west sidethe Hoh, Queets, and Quinaultcarry this
glaciated U-shape almost to the foot of the mountains.
Some of the mountain valleys have ridges of rock
materials on their floors. These are moraines left by the glaciers. Some
are end moraines and mark the farthest advance of the ice down the
valley. Others represent places where the glaciers halted in their
retreat. Most of the end moraines are imperfect, having been cut through
and partly destroyed by the flow of water from the melting glaciers.
More than a dozen streams flow out of the Olympic
Mountains, returning rain and melt water to the ocean. They drop down
steeply from the high level basins; after a few swift miles they flatten
out and the water takes a slower pace.
In summary, we may say that Olympic rocks were formed
beneath the sea during at least three periods of submergence. Each
submergence was followed by a period of uplift when the land was
elevated above the sea. Thousands of feet of sedimentary rock with
interbedded lava sheets were removed by erosion during millions of
years. Valley glaciers and streams have had 20 million years to work on
the mountains since their last emergence from the sea; from the interior
Olympic mass all but the oldest sediments and lavas have been stripped
away. The dense lavas along the outer rim of the mountains on the north,
east, and south have resisted erosion more successfully than the softer
sediments. Their presence strongly influenced the development of the
pattern of ridges and valleys that we see today.
