Local Life of the Oligocene Epoch
Ancestors of many modern animals lived during
Oligocene time. Fossil remains from many have been found in Badlands
National Monument; fossils of those not found here have been discovered
in Oligocene rocks of neighboring localities. Paleontologists
(scientists who study the life of past geologic periods) have identified
remains of early forms of the horse, camel, rhinoceros, tiger, opossum,
pig, and dog. We know that primitive rats, mice, squirrels, marmots,
beavers, rabbits, and turtles also existed at this stage in the earth's
development; but very few are similar to species living today. We also
know there were lizards, owls, eagles, gulls, and pelicans; but there
are only a few fossil records of them. The bones of these small reptiles
and birds were too fragile to survive in quantity. The first horse,
about the size of a domestic cat, appeared at the dawn of the Tertiary
period (some 20 million years before the Oligocene epoch). By the
beginning of the Oligocene, it had evolved into an animal about the size
of a sheep. Other strange creatures such as the oversized titanothere
and brontothere no longer exist.
The swampy areas were death traps that claimed the
lives of scores of animals. We assume that the larger ones were mired in
the muds and sands and could not extricate themselves, and others died
of disease, were killed by predators, or succumbed from other natural
causes. In any event, the skeletons of many species are entombed in the
badlands rocks.

Fossils of animals are frequently found in the
rocks of the badlands VERNE ORDAHL PHOTOGRAPH
After the bodies were covered by mud and the fleshy
parts decomposed, petrifaction began. In brief, this process consists of
the infiltration of buried bones by mineral-carrying waters and
deposition of material, usually silica (which has great hardness), in
the pores and other open spaces of the bones. Thus, instead of a normal
skeleton, a hard and resistant structure is formed. These stoney
skeletons (fossils) are normally much more durable than the enclosing
rocks and, as the softer covering is worn away, the fossils tumble to
the base of cliffs or are left exposed in the rocks.
We have already noted that the first published record
of a Badlands fossil appeared in 1846. After the first few accounts
called attention to this region, a great deal of collecting was done and
fossils were sent to most major museums in the country. Collection of
fossils on public land is now limited to approved scientific
institutions operating under special permits. Excellent collections of
Oligocene fossils are on display at the museum of the South Dakota
School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City and the University of
Nebraska Museum in Lincoln. You are welcome to visit these museums,
where you may profitably spend several hours studying the fascinating
story of the life of this bygone epoch.

An articulated skeleton of an oreodon, a primitive
cud-chewing, sheep-sized animal, here with unborn twins. This is
displayed in the museum of the South Dakota School of Mines and

A saber-toothed cat skeleton from an exhibit in
the museum of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. This
animal was about the size of a large lynx SOUTH DAKOTA SCHOOL OF