Deposition of the Rocks
A vast period of time (probably around 3 billion
years) preceded the creation of the badlands as we now know them. If you
will look at the geologic time chart (p. 6), you will notice that a
period called the Cretaceous began about 125 million years ago and ended
some 60 million years ago. At the close of this period, the North American
continent experienced widespread changes. These took place especially along
the present Rocky Mountain range and to a lesser extent in the vicinity
of the Black Hills. Up to this time, the land where these mountains now
stand was comparatively flat. In it were shallow lakes, swamps, and wide
plains crossed by sluggish streams. It was pretty much as central and
eastern South Dakota is today. Then gradually but slowly, forces within
the earth caused a buckling of the continent in a general north-south
direction across most of the United Statesalong the present
Rockies and also in the Black Hills region.

Idealized stratigraphic section
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
In the uplifted areas, streams that once were
sluggish now flowed more rapidly. Before this they were clear; but now
they started to scour their channels. Their tributaries also dumped
large quantities of mud, sand, and gravel into the main streams.
These rapidly moving waters carried their burden of
sediment out of the mountains to where the country flattened out. Here
the carrying capacity of the streams was reduced as the currents slowed
down. This resulted in the deposition of sand bars, mudflats, and gravel
banks along the course of the streams. These choked the channels and
caused the water to fan out over wide areas. Depressions were filled
with the sands and clays that the streams could no longer carry. This
process continued throughout the long period when the Rocky Mountains
and Black Hills were being pushed upward. It stopped only when the
streams had graded their courses to a gently sloping bed. About 2,000
feet of sediments were laid down in this part of the Great Plains before
the process ended.

Camels once lived in the badlands region. This
camel skeleton, smaller than the skeleton of a sheep, is displayed in
the museum of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology SOUTH
Toward the close of this period of deposition, a
series of prolonged volcanic eruptions took place, principally in the
Big Horn and Yellowstone regions. Huge quantities of volcanic ash were
carried by westerly winds and dropped over western South Dakota. These
accumulated in the badlands region to as much as 25 feet deep. In the
vicinity of Sheep Mountain some of these ash deposits can be recognized
by their chalky-white color. Much of the ash was washed away by the
streams and redeposited on the flood plains in the same manner as were
the clays. The older ash deposits are a rather dirty gray, compared to
the younger white ash beds. The darker color indicates a larger amount
of impurities present. These impurities are mostly bits of clay and
silt, added, in the redeposition process, by the streams.

The layering in the exposed rocks gives evidence
of the method of their deposition RISE STUDIO
The whitish color of the ash beds, even those of
reworked material, stands out in rather sharp contrast to the pink,
red, tan, brown, bluish gray, and gray of the other badlands rock
layers. Generally speaking, the intensity of the red color is
proportional to the amount of red iron oxide present. The various shades
of tan and brown are produced by brown iron oxide, the same substance
found on rusty iron. Gray colors are most frequently caused by the
absence of organic matter. Occasionally, some purplish colors are
noticed. These are believed due to the presence of manganese. Whatever
the causes, the varied hues of the badlands spires and pinnacles have
contributed to the fame of this eroded landscape. You'll see the colors
at their best when they are intensified by rains and the light of
evening or early morning.