It is estimated that 60 percent of the monument is
nearly barren badlands. The remainder, however, contains the various
types of grasses that are found just above the broken wall of the
badlands, on isolated buttes extending out from the wall, and on the
plain below the wall. In addition, colorful wildflowers dot the land in
the early summer. Broad-leaved trees occur sparsely along the stream
courses. Small groves of juniper grow in the vicinity of Sheep Mountain
and in many of the protected pockets and passes. With their verdant
foliage, they relieve the barrenness of the deeply eroded canyons and

Junipers have become established on the better
stabilized slopes
The juniper, unlike many other conifers, appears to
thrive in all parts of the country and under the most contrasting
weather conditions. It withstands the cold of the north and flourishes
in the extreme heat of the south. Most of the members of this large
genus prefer open, sunny locations and light, clay soils. It is
commonly, but incorrectly, called "cedar." It is one of the best-known
conifers, for with its wide range of shapes it serves well as an
ornament in landscape work.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER. Having an exceedingly wide
range, this juniper occurs from Montana to Arizona. In Badlands National
Monument and vicinity its height does not exceed 20 to 25 feet. Often it
is no higher than a man's head. The foliage has both sharp-pointed,
prickly needles and smooth, scalelike ones; sometimes both appear on the
same tree. The small, blue, berrylike cone remains on the tree and is a
source of food for birds, coyotes, and some other animals during both
summer and winter. The foliage and wood have a pungent odor.
PLAINS COTTONWOOD. This is a rapidly growing tree,
which matures quickly. It much resembles the eastern cottonwood, with
which it was long confused. Often reaching a diameter of 2 or 3 feet, it
has a large, spreading top, which gives shade to both man and animal. In
early times it was planted by the settler as a shade tree. The leaves
are large and oval, with the typical waxy, green gloss of the
cottonwood. It grows singly or in small groves in the valleys and along
the streambeds. For the beavers that live in the permanent streams of
the monument region, cottonwood is the first choice for food and
building material.
AMERICAN ELM. The beautiful, vaselike form of the elm
is a common sight on the streets of American cities. Along the streams
of the badlands, wherever sufficient moisture is available, it grows
singly or in small clumps. The leaves are oval, with pointed tips,
evenly spaced parallel vein ribs, and finely and evenly serrated edges.
This is an important browse tree for deer.
BOXELDER. The fast-growing boxelder was planted
extensively as a shade tree by the early pioneers. Though not
particularly attractive, it has dense foliage and provides shelter
within a few years. It is sometimes called ash-leaved maple, for it is
actually a maple with leaves compound (divided) like those of the ash.
Boxelder grows along stream courses and in the canyon bottoms.
COMMON CHOKECHERRY. Actually a large shrub, this wild
cherry grows in dense thickets in draws and in canyon bottoms. It bears
a bright red berry that turns shiny black when ripe. The fruit, which
was used by the pioneer housewife, is still the source of delicious
jelly and jam. It is a favored food of birds, coyotes, foxes, and some
SILVER BUFFALOBERRY. This dense, bushy shrub is found
growing along the sides of streambeds and nestling in the depressions on
the slopes of protected ridges. The long narrow leaves are silver-gray
on both surfaces and grow on branches and twigs that bear long, sharp
thorns. The red, currant-sized fruit is borne in clusters and is
extremely sour. From it a wonderful, tart jelly is madea favorite
of both the pioneer and the modern housewife. It provides an important
food for birds.