Plants (continued)
When spring arrives and the sun climbs higher in the
sky, this land of deeply cut canyons and strangely formed spires and
capped knobs becomes a garden of warmth and freshness.
Early in April the AMERICAN PASQUEFLOWER, which is
locally known as the crocus, and is the State flower of South Dakota,
transforms overnight the bare hillsides, covering them with a pale-blue
blanket. Clumps of TUFTED EVENING-PRIMROSE begin to show on the bald
clay hills, opening in the evening in their white radiance and wilting
the next day with the rising sun.

Tufted evening-primrose
May brings SEGOLILY MARIPOSA, with its cup-shaped
flower on a stem, and COMMON STARLILY, with its stemless, narrow-petaled
white blossom. The FENDLER WOODS ROSE is evident by the fragrance of its
pink blossoms. The yellow of the PRAIRIE THERMOPSIS, better known as
"wild pea," and the rose-purple clumps of LOCO and LAMBERT CRAZYWEED
begin to show in the draws and ravines. The white or pink daisy-eyed
FERNLEAF FLEABANE dots the roadside and the sides of the hills, and
scattered patches of white or bluish HOODS PHLOX form mosslike mats.

Wild Pea
In June, yellow PLAINS ERYSIMUM, frequently called
wallflower, appears by the roadside. Then come PENSTEMONS, or "wild snap
dragons," in shades of blue and white. Bushy SNOW-ON-THE-MOUNTAIN
EUPHORBIA begins to flower. If there have been adequate spring rains in
the badlands, July will be brightened by blue CANADA VIOLET, orange
splashes of SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW, and the yellow-and-brown nodding heads

The introduced WHITE SWEETCLOVER lines the road
through the passes. The white heads of WESTERN YARROW dot the prairie.
COMMON PRICKLYPEAR, the most abundant form of cactus in the badlands,
has budded and begins its yellow and pink floral display that covers the
land as far as the eye can see.
By August and September, most of the flowers have
bloomed and faded. Large masses of YELLOW SWEETCLOVER bloom along the
roadsides. The coneflower and yarrow still persist, with an occasional
scarlet globemallow remaining. The length of the season depends upon the
rainfall; with occasional summer showers, the flowers continue their
display; but if it is dry they soon wither and disappear.
