Animals (continued)
Early explorers and settlers tell of bison and
pronghorn in great numbers ranging the grasslands above and below the
great wall of the badlands. Audubon bighorn, whitetail and mule deer,
and occasional bands of American elk and pronghorn fed on the grass-covered
tablelands and along the stream courses. Early Indians used this
area as a hunting ground.

Bison once roamed the grassland in vast numbers
Westward settlement sounded the death knell for many
of the wild animals of the plains. With the coming of the hide hunters
in the late 1800's, bison almost disappeared from the scene. Pronghorns
were reduced to only a few scattered bands. Bighorn, which
were found in the early days on Sheep Mountain, have disappearedeliminated
by the hunter's rifle. Of the larger mammals, only a few deer
and pronghorns remain. Conforming to the objectives of the National Park
Service, all animals that now live within the monument's boundaries are
protected. American elk, bison, and a few bighorn may still be seen in
Wind Cave National Park and Custer State Park, in the nearby Black
Deer are commonly found in the Black Hills and are
occasionally seen in some parts of the badlands. Both the WESTERN
WHITETAIL DEER, a relative of the common deer of the East, and the MULE,
or BLACKTAIL, DEER live in this section of the State. The former is
found here in restricted numbers. Its large, white tail, waved like a
warning "flag" when the animal is alarmed, is the famous trademark.
The mule deer is widely distributed throughout the
West, and in the Black Hills region is more common than the whitetail
deer. The large mulelike ears and the black-tipped tail are
distinguishing characteristics.

A few small bands of PRONGHORN still live near the
badlands, but they are seldom seen. In some open prairie sections of the
West, the pronghorn remains one of the important game animals. The name
comes from the conspicuous fork, or prong, on each horn. Although it is
often called "antelope," the pronghorn is a member of a different
family. True antelopes never shed their horns; the pronghorn sheds its
horns annually, the new horns forming on the permanent bony cores.
The pronghorn is an animal of the open prairie; its
keen eye sight and fleetness of foot help it to detect its natural
enemies and make good its escape. The large white rump patch serves much
the same purpose as the waving white flag of the whitetail deer for when
alarmed the pronghorn flashes its warning signal to others of the

The COYOTE is one animal of the great plains that has
persisted and continues to live and raise its young in spite of modern
civilization. Whereas its larger cousin, the gray wolf, has been almost
completely wiped out in most sections of the West, the coyote has
successfully adapted itself to the changing environment created by man.
In spite of organized attempts to exterminate it, the coyote has held
on, and has even extended its range in some areas.
Small mammals, such as rabbits, ground squirrels,
mice, and chipmunks, and all forms of carrion form a substantial part
of the coyote's diet. It is a common dweller of the badlands and often
may be heard at night singing its weird lament.

A young prairie dog at his den entrance CARL P. KOFORD PHOTOGRAPH
The BLACKTAIL PRAIRIE DOG is not a dog, but a fat,
colony-dwelling ground squirrel about the size of a full-grown
cottontail. Because of its characteristic sharp bark, it has acquired
the name "dog." During the early history of this country, "dog towns"
were widely scattered over the western plains. Gradually, the prairie
dogs were destroyed, until today they are seldom found in their old
range. In areas administered by the National Park Service
they are protected with other native wild animals.
During the summer, the prairie dog feeds on the green
vegetation surrounding its home. During its semihibernation in winter,
when snow covers the ground, it lives on its accumulated fat, emerging
from its den only on the warmest days to lie in the sun.
The burrow extends downward as much as 10 to 15 feet
at approximate right angles to the surface, with several short branches
radiating from it. The entrance is protected from flooding by a mound of
earth that is kept in constant repair by the occupants. This dike also
serves as an observation post for the sentries that are constantly on
guard throughout the town. When danger approaches, those nearest set up
a chatter that in turn is picked up by the neighbors. Thus the warning
echoes across the colony. As the danger nears, they disappear down their
holes with a flip of their stubby tails and a parting yip of alarm
The PORCUPINE, one of this country's largest rodents,
is a common resident of the pine forest; it is also found in the more
wooded parts of the prairie country, including the badlands.
During summer, it prefers the tender shoots of small
shrubs and green herbs, and in winter it lives on the underbark of
trees. It is an expert climber. Normally, "Porky's" quills lie flat and
are well hidden by the long yellowish-white guard hairs that cover the
head and back. The hollow, white, black-tipped quills are 1 to 2-1/2
inches long. Contrary to the mythical story, the porcupine does not
throw its quills. Peace-loving by nature, it goes its solitary way; but
when danger threatens, it is immediately on guard. It is unfortunate for
the animal that comes too near, for with a slap of the broad tail, the
quills, which are minutely barbed on the ends, become deeply imbedded in
the flesh of the victim. They are very painful and extremely difficult
to remove.
The RACCOON, common throughout much of the United
States, is found occasionally in the forested fringes of dry creekbeds
and in wooded pockets of the great north wall. Its diet is varied; it
relishes fish and small mollusks and feeds on small rodents, insects,
fruits, and nuts. It does most of its hunting at night, preferring to
roll up and sleep in its nest during the day. In the coldest part of the
winter it remains in the den, appearing when warmer weather comes in
early spring.
The WHITETAILED JACKRABBIT is one of the largest of
several species of jackrabbits in the Great Plains country. Its natural
food is grasses and other prairie plants.
A full-grown jackrabbit may weigh from 6 to 10
pounds. The fur, buffy-gray in summer, is white in winter except for the
black tips of the long ears. It is unusually fleet of foot, traveling
with long leaps of from 10 to 20 feet; when alarmed it may reach a speed
of 30 miles per hour or more.
The COTTONTAIL is found all over the United States,
in highly populated areas as well as in wildlife preserves. This rabbit
is an important small-game item for the hunter's bag. Weighing 2 to 3
pounds, it is smaller than its distant relatives, the jackrabbits, which
are hares, not rabbits. The fur, dark brown mixed with gray, does not
change color with the coming of winter. The cottontail does not have the
speed of the jackrabbit; it depends on the protective cover of fence
rows, wooded thickets, and brush patches. It feeds on a variety of
vegetation, especially clover and alfalfa.

Prairie dog den that has been dug out by a
The BADGER is a large, powerful member of the weasel
family, ranging through the central and western part of the United
States. In general impression it is yellowish gray, the head with bold
white and black markings. It is shaggy-coated, heavy-bodied and
short-legged. The forelegs are armed with long claws adapted for digging
out the ground squirrels, mice, prairie dogs, and other small burrowing
animals upon which it feeds. It frequents the prairie-dog towns of the
badlands. The badger is a tough, fierce fighter.
The NORTHERN PLAINS SKUNK is the local form of the
STRIPED SKUNK, which is distributed throughout the United States excluding
Alaska and Hawaii. This skunk is easily recognized by the black and
white markings on back and tail. Its food consists largely of small
rodents, snakes, and beetles; it has a particular fondness for
The striped skunk's chief defense is a musky
secretion with a penetrating, disagreeable odor. This secretion is
stored in glands located at the base of the tail just inside the anal
opening. By muscular contraction, the skunk ejects the scent in a fine
spray. The unaggressive skunk attends strictly to its own business; but
if it is annoyed or alarmed, woe to the man or beast in range of its
(incorrectly) a "gopher," prefers the open country. Like the chipmunk,
it feeds chiefly on seeds and grasses; crickets, grasshoppers, and other
insects are also eaten. Grass seeds are a favorite food, and are stored
in underground chambers to be used in the early spring after the long
winter's hibernation.
The BADLANDS CHIPMUNK, often popularly described as a
small edition of the tree squirrel, is not to be confused with the
ground squirrels. This bright, alert little creature makes its home in
burrows under rocks and tree roots. August, September, and October are
busy months, for it is then that the chipmunk gathers seeds and stores
them in its underground granaries. With the arrival of snow, it takes to
its snug quarters for a long winter sleep. The species found in the
badlands is the smallest of the chipmunks. Its pale color, blending with
the badlands landscape, serves as protection from enemies. Chipmunks are
common at some parking areas along the monument road, particularly those
west of Norbeck Pass.