The animal life of the badlands and vicinity, as of
any region, is molded by the vegetation, the type of soil, and
availability of water; the climate, which intimately controls the type
of vegetation, thus indirectly has great effect upon the animal life.
Most of the animals of the badlands are adapted for living in open
grassland and for survival with comparatively little water. Many of them
are rather pale in coloration. Thus, they blend with the light color of
the soil and dry grass and are less easily detected by their
Birds live under conditions most favorable to their
particular needs. The grassland, the occasional groups of small shrubs
and juniper, and even the bare canyon walls provide the food and the
environments that certain birds require. Some are transients and are
here for only a few days in the spring and autumn. Others nest here and
return to warmer climes in the winter. A few remaindwellers of the
badlandsthe year round. It is not the purpose to list here all the
birds, but mention will be made of some of the more common and
interesting ones.
Members of the finch family are seedeaters and have
strong bills for crushing their food. In this region members of that
family prefer the prairie and the margins of the groves that are close
to their food supply.
The AMERICAN GOLDFINCH, frequently called the "wild
canary," is a charming little yellow songster with black cap, wings, and
tail. Often it flits along the roadside, feeding on the
seeds of sunflowers and weeds.
The sparrows, which belong to the finch family, are
modest-colored birds, and are often difficult to distinguish. One of
the common summer residents is the VESPER SPARROW. You will find a good
identifying mark in the white outer tail feathers which flash
conspicuously in flight. Its song will come to you in the evening from a
lone bush or tree.

Dillon Pass
The LARK SPARROW likes the open country and the
grassy hillsides. The striped crown, chestnut ear-patches, and white
breast with a single dark central spot are the best identifying
markings. It is a summer resident with a beautiful song.
The song of the CHIPPING SPARROW is a single,
prolonged, vibrating trill. A resident of the meadows, the little
"chippy" with the bright rufous-red cap is equally at home in the
sparsely wooded sections.
The juncos are sparrow-sized, with uniform gray
coloration on the back, lighter or contrasting underparts, and white
outer tail feathers that flash conspicuously when they fly. Their winter
occurrence and gray color help distinguish them from the summer
resident, the vesper sparrow. They, like the sparrows, are seedeaters
and occur both in the open prairie and in the shrub thickets and
sparsely wooded areas.
are found in the badlands. Common in winter, they are often seen in
mixed flocks or with sparrows. The slate-colored junco is distinguished
by the slaty-gray back, white bill, and white underparts. The
white-winged junco resembles the other in color but is slightly larger
and has two prominent, white wing bars.
The LARK BUNTING is distinctly a bird of the prairie
and nests on the ground near clumps of weeds or sagebrush. The male, a
beautiful singer, is black with large white wing patches. It is often
mistaken for a small blackbird or confused with the bobolink. The song,
warbling and gurgling, with several distinct phrases, begins as the bird
rises in flight and continues until it alights. Females are sparrow-like
in color.
Swallows are sparrow-sized with long, slim wings.
They capture and eat insects in flight. Both the CLIFF SWALLOW and the
VIOLET GREEN SWALLOW can be seen in the badlands. The rusty-buff rump
distinguishes the cliff swallow; perceived overhead it appears square-tailed,
with a dark throat patch. It builds mud nests in ledges of the
badlands formations, or under bridges or roof eaves. The violet green
swallow is glossed with green and purple, with clear white below and
white patches that almost meet over the base of the tail. Social birds,
the two species are often seen together in flocks.
Wrens are small, energetic, brown-backed birds with
slender bills, and tails that are often cocked over the back. An
inhabitant of canyons and rocky slopes, the CANYON WREN is readily
identified by the reddish-brown back and conspicuous white throat and
breast. The song is a gushing cadence of clear, curved notes that come
tripping down the scale. It nests in rocky crevices.
The ROCK WREN also inhabits rocky places and is one
of the few small birds to be seen frequenting the most barren badlands
formations. It is easily distinguished from the canyon wren by its lack
of a white throat and dark belly. Watch for the white eye streak and
buffy tail tips.
Curiously, the BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE is a permanent
resident in the badlands, most often seen among the junipers. It is the
only small bird with the combination black cap, black bib, and white
cheeks. Its most common note is the clearly enunciated
"chick-a-dee-dee-dee." It becomes more friendly in winter when snow
covers much of its normal food supply.
Few people think of the ROBIN as a thrush, but
actually it is the most highly developed of that family. To most of us
it is just "the robin"a good neighbor, a dependable
friendthe first bird to arrive with its cheering spring song,
often before the snow has disappeared. One of the most familiar of all
birds, it is easily recognized by its gray back and brick-red
The MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD, another member of the thrush
family, lacks the chestnut breast of its eastern cousin and is azure
blue above with a grayish-white belly. The female is a dull brownish,
with bluish wings, rump, and tail. As though to accentuate its beauty,
it has a delightful habit of hovering on wing like a hummingbird while
watching for insects in the grass.
The erratic flight of the COMMON NIGHTHAWK, seen in
the late afternoon and evening, is punctuated by frequent regular
repetitions of a short, nasal, and utterly unmusical call. The most
unusual flight performance is the astonishing aerial dive that the
nighthawk executes by almost closing its wings and plunging downward.
Suddenly the descent is checked; a weird booming sound is heard as the
diver sweeps gracefully upward to renew its flight. It feeds on flying
insects that it gathers into its large mouth. Just before and after
sunset, nighthawks often are seen swooping and diving over the badlands
and adjacent plains. This bird is closely related to the
SAY'S PHOEBE is a summer resident about the size of a
bluebird. Like others of the flycatcher family, it feeds on flying
insects, darting out upon its prey from a perch, usually a limb of a
tree an old stump, or an overhanging cliff. The pale rusty breast
contrasted to the brownish back and black tail identify it. The phoebe
prefers the open prairie country, although, not uncommonly, it builds
its home near the habitation of man. Its plaintive call is usually
accompanied by a nervous flit of the tail.
The HORNED LARK is one of the first birds to nest in
spring, often when snowbanks are still visible. This brown prairie bird
is distinctly marked with a black mustache, black breast patch, and a
black horseshoe crown terminating in two erect, black horns. It does not
hop, but walks. Preferring the open prairie and fields, it lives
principally upon weed seeds. During the winter, flocks of horned larks
often feed on the shoulders of the highway.
The BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE, a close relative of crows
and jays, is the only large black-and-white land bird with a long,
sweeping tail. In flight, the iridescent tail streams out behind, and
large white patches flash in the wing. The magpie, a year-round resident
of the badlands and vicinity, is a scavenger, often seen feeding on
animals that have been run over by automobiles on monument roads.

A western meadowlark hiding in the grass
The WESTERN MEADOWLARK, a prairie dweller, arrives
early in March and lingers in autumn until a severe storm drives it
southward. It is somewhat smaller than the eastern meadowlark, but the
general coloration of the yellow breast and black crescent at the throat
is similar. It feeds chiefly on insects and seeds and builds its nest on
the ground. The meadowlark's song can be heard a considerable distance
and fairly fills the prairie with its melody.
The TURKEY VULTURE is a large, blackish, eagle-sized
bird, usually seen soaring on motionless wings in wide circles high
over the cliffs of the badlands. Birds of this family seldom attack
living animals, but feed chiefly upon carrion. The nest is built on
shelves under overhanging cliffs. The turkey vulture is able to sail for
hours with few wing movements. It may be distinguished at a distance
from other soaring birds by the upward angle of the wing planes. The
BLACK VULTURE, with a black instead of a red, featherless head, is
found in few areas so far north; yet it is not uncommon in the
badlands. A white spot under each wing and a fan like tail may help
distinguish this bird from the more familiar turkey vulture.
A familiar hawk and one of man's best friends is the
MARSH HAWK. In ordinary flight the bird glides low over the ground, with
the white rump patch, the badge of the species, plainly visible. The
nest is built on the ground, hidden in tall grass or brushy thickets.
Mice and gophers constitute the bulk of its food, with only a small part
coming from small birds and poultry. You should be come familiar with it
and aid in its protection. Look for it as you drive along the roads
through the badlands.

The sparrow hawk
Not much larger than the robin, the SPARROW HAWK is
the most common of the falcons. It is the only common small hawk that
habitually hovers in one spot and the only one with the rufous-red rail.
The chestnut back is clearly marked with several black bars and the tail
has one wide black bar. The upper parts are bluish slate and the
underportions are creamy white with black spots. Its food is chiefly
mice; grasshoppers, beetles, and occasionally small birds. Of all the
falcons, this is the most beneficial.

A closeup of a western burrowing owl
The little BURROWING OWL is found in the badlands.
The upper parts are dull grayish brown slightly spotted with white,
while the belly is light, barred with brown. The legs appear long for
the size of the bird and are feathered only in front. It prefers to
build its nest in abandoned holes, or burrows, often taking possession
of deserted prairie-dog burrows. Contrary to popular belief, it does not
inhabit a burrow occupied at the same time by a prairie dog or
The food of this little owl consists mostly of small
rodents, snakes, lizards, grasshoppers, and beetles.