Present Climate
The climate of the badlands area is characterized as
typically continental and arid. Summers are short and hot, and winters
long and cold. Annual precipitation averages 17 inches; most of it
occurs during the spring and early summer. Precipitation is irregular, and
long periods of drought may be expected. Temperatures vary from a low of
-30d⪚, or colder, in January or February, to over 100° in
July and August. Those extremes seldom last more than 1 or 2 days.
Winter precipitation is mostly snow, but, because of gusty winds, large
areas are blown free of snow and sizeable drifts accumulate in road cuts
and protected gullies. The transition from winter to summer is usually
rapid, so the period of spring lasts but a few weeks.

A typical badlands scene, near Norbeck
Summers are characterized by hot and frequently windy
days which may see duststorms develop in the exposed badlands formations
or the neighboring cultivated fields. Nights are comparatively cool.
From time to time rather violent, but short, hailstorms occur, and these
speed up erosion. The infrequent summer rains run off rapidly and
within a few minutes the gullies may contain raging torrents that
disappear shortly after the rain stops.