Establishment of the Monument
Beginning with the establishment of Yellowstone
National Park in 1872, "dedicated and set apart as a public park or
pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people," the
United States has evolved a system of National Parks, National
Monuments, and other areas which include the most inspiring of the
Nation's scenery and many sites of outstanding historic, prehistoric, or
scientific interest.
The National Park Service, a bureau of the U.S.
Department of the Interior, was established by an act of Congress on
August 25, 1916, to correlate the administration of the National Parks
and Monuments then under the jurisdiction of the Department. The act
directed the Service to "conserve the scenery and the natural and
historic objects and wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment
of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them
unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."

The rocks exposed in the badlands are
approximately 40 million years old
The Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities,
which had become a law on June 8, 1906, authorized the President of the
United States to set aside as National Monuments, by proclamation, lands
owned or controlled by the United States containing historic landmarks,
historic or prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or
scientific interest. The first National Monument established under this
authority was Devils Tower, in northeastern Wyoming, in 1906. Another
National Monument well known to Black Hills visitors is Jewel Cave,
established in 1908.
With but few exceptions, National Monuments are
established under the authority of the Antiquities Act without recourse
to further legislation. In a sense, Badlands National Monument is one of
these exceptions, because the Congress, by Public Law No. 1021, 70th
Congress (45 Stat. 1533), approved in 1929, authorized its establishment
contingent upon two specific conditions: That certain
lands be acquired and that the State of South Dakota
build a road from interior northwesterly through the monument across Big
Foot Pass to the Pinnacles and to Sage Creek. These conditions were met,
and Badlands National Monument was officially proclaimed on January 25,

A winter scene in Badlands National Monuemnt
The late United States Senator from South Dakota,
Peter Norbeck, was the chief proponent for the establishment of the
monument. It was mainly through his efforts that the area was set
aside. "Norbeck Pass" in the badlands commemorates his work.