The Loon: Inland Lakes
It is noon. The sun shines warmly on the quiet water
of Siskiwit Lake, sprawling in its great depression between the Lake
Superior shore and Greenstone Ridge. The forest enclosing it stands tall
and green on the south side, where aspen and birch have had 75 years to
grow since the last fire; and short and green, with openings, on the
north side, where the 1936 fire burned clear down the ridge to the lake.
At either end, dark swamp conifers stretch back to other, smaller lakes.
Circling high above the lake, gulls are moving dots of white.

The common loon, shy of man and preferring
wilderness lakes, finds favorable habitat in Isle Royale National
Park. (Photo by Frank Singer)
Out near the middle of Siskiwit Lake, near Ryan
Island, a loon dozes, bill tucked under his wing. Just off the shore of
the island, his mate shepherds their two light-brown young. Like all
young loons, they had taken to the water the day they hatched, but they
still depend on their parents for food.
Having rested enough, the male wakes up and dives.
Soon after submerging, he spies whitefish and ciscos; they are too far
away to be overtaken. He continues down, into the dim world a hundred
feet beneath the surface. Here, just above the fine brown mud covering
the bottom rock, he comes upon a lake trout. But it is too big. He
angles up toward the light. On his way, a school of young ciscos flashes
by. He spurts after them and catches one that lags. Continuing
underwater, he swims to his family and breaks the surface with his
prize. He mashes the cisco in his bill and passes it to his mate, who
feeds it to one of the young.
As the male swims slowly away, six loons down the
lake begin yodeling. Two pairs and two unmated birds have joined in a
tight flock on the water and now circle around, calling crazily. The
male, a mile away, wails in answer. With feet spattering and stiff
wing-tips hitting the surface, he makes a long take-off, then arcs over
the middle of the lake, where the other loons have congregated. But the
instinct to feed his family is stronger than the social pull of his
brethren. He turns and flies to the east end of the lake.
Here the rock bottom slopes up and stream deposits
lie in quiet coves along the shore, making shallow water where aquatic
plants can grow, small fish can thrive, and snails, mussels, and leeches
can find food. Among the many little islands, female mergansers and
goldeneyes lead their broods. Along the shore, teetering spotted
sandpipers search for insects. Crowding down almost to the water, green
alders, ninebark, sweet gale, and white cedar make a dense shoreline
The loon finds good feeding here in the shallows.
Much of the afternoon he flies back and forth from these quiet coves to
his family with offerings of snails, leeches, and small fish. A mink
hunts here too, leaving empty mussel shells strewn along the shore.
Among the horsetails, burreeds, spikerush, and yellow pond lilies, great
long pike pursue smaller fish, seizing them in their saw-toothed jaws
and gulping them into their cavernous mouths.
The hours pass. The sun turns red and sinks below
Greenstone Ridge. Up in the young birches on the north side of the
lake, a hermit thrush salutes the evening with liquid, ethereal song. In
a small cove behind a rocky peninsula, beavers emerge from their lodge
and make V's through the water, intent on foraging. Two bats flutter
erratically over the lake, catching insects. Off toward Wood Lake, a
loon utters a long, gull-like cry, sending echoes ricocheting across the
water. Then, as if set off by this sound, a pack of wolves somewhere on
the south shore begins howling. Punctuated by yips and barks, the voices
rise and fall, saying something that needs to be said.
The male loon patters across the water, lifts into
the air, and disappears slowly toward Siskiwit Bay, his stiff wings
"putt-putting" like some distant outboard.
In some ways, Siskiwit Lake mirrors all the lakes of
Isle Royale. It has the cold-water fish of the few deep lakes, and at
its shallow ends it has much of the plant and animal life typical of
the smaller, shallower lakes.
Of Isle Royale's 42 named lakes, four are
oligotrophic; that is, they are cold, deep, and clear, and are poorly
provided with nutrients. In addition to Siskiwit, they are Desor,
Sargent, and Richie. The first three have one or more forms of the
cisco-whitefish group; Richie does not. Siskiwit Lake also has the
cold-water lake trout, which fishermen pursue in summer by bumping baits
along the bottom. These lakes, because of their low levels of nutrients,
support only small numbers of plankton (microscopic plants and animals).
The rocky bottoms are too deep for much sunlight to reach them, and most
of the shore is unprotected from wave action; thus there are few places
favorable to rooted aquatic plants. But on Siskiwit there are always a
few sheltered spots that meet their requirements.

Lake Richie (top),
one of very few oligotrophic lakes in the park, is characterized by
comparatively great depth and clarity and a poor supply of nutrients.
About half of Isle Royale's lakes are eutrophic, like Forbes (above and
top right). They support many kinds of plants, such as the
insectivorous sundew growing on a log and the rooted cow lilies.
Dystrophic lakes such as Moose (right) tend to be boggy and low in fish
productivity. (Photos by Robt. G. Johnsson)
All the island's other lakes are classed as eutrophic
or dystrophic. They are characterized by shallow, warm water colored by
organic matter and tannic acid; high nutrient levels; and abundant
plankton and rooted aquatics. In these lakes, the balance is being
tipped in favor of plant over animal life. Among the many plants which
take root on the bottom and send shoots above the surface or below it
are spikerush, burreed, yellow pond lily, horsetail, northern naiad,
cattail, and various kinds of pondweed.
With less diversity of habitats present, there are
fewer species of fish in shallow lakes than in the deeper lakes. The
dominant predatory fish are northern pike and yellow perch. White
sucker, blacknose and golden shiner, and brook stickle-back are common
plant-feeders. The redbelly dace, finescale dace, and fathead minnow are
particularly typical of some of the shallower, more stagnant lakes, such
as Lily, Wallace, and Sumner.
In the shallow, quiet water near
lake shores you are also likely to find snails, mussels,
and those friendless creatures, leeches, of which Isle Royale has about
15 species. Snails feed on algae growing on rocks. Mussels burrow part
way into the sand or mud and siphon water, ingesting the copepods and
other minute animals in it and pumping out the rest. Most leeches eat
small animal life, such as insects up to about 1/4 inch. Some species
attach themselves to animals, including humans, and suck
bloodwhich is why swimming in the inland lakes is not
recommended. One very small species fastens onto the gills of fish. Along
the shore of any lake you are apt to surprise green frogs, the island's
commonest amphibian.
Several kinds of mammals and many birds that feed on
aquatic life are found around the inland lakes. Moose are especially
fond of aquatic plants, and beavers like them too. Mink restlessly
search out frogs, snakes, fish, birds, and other small animals, while
their larger, scarcer cousin the otter feeds chiefly on fish, pursuing
them with marvelous, fluid speed. Muskrats, also scarce on the island,
feed mainly on plants, but also eat mussels, other small aquatic
animals, and carrion. On the larger lakes, red-breasted and common
mergansers dive for fish, while goldeneye ducks may be found on almost
any lake or beaver pond. Gulls keep an eye on all water bodies, and
loons, which need a long run to lift their heavy bodies into the air,
visit any lake with adequate take-off space.
Along shores, great blue herons stalk fish and other
aquatic animals, spotted sandpipers hunt at the water's edge, and
kingfishers dive for small fish from overhanging branches or from the
air. Occasionally, ospreys may be seen at inland lakes, where from high
in the air they plunge into the water for fish.

An open bog in the 1936 burn area and the bog on Raspberry Island
represent early and late stages in succession. (Top photo by Wm. Dunmire;
bottom photo by Robt. G. Johnsson))
Sadly, ospreys and bald eagles are disappearing from
the island scene. They were once common here, but chemical pesticides
that have been absorbed by fish, the principal food of these birds, have
decimated both species. Lake Superior is not yet highly contaminated;
the poison is probably mostly ingested farther south in winter. Ospreys
and eagles build their big stick nests high up in trees, ospreys
choosing dead trees while eagles use live ones. Some of the abandoned
nests remain for years, slowly disintegrating.
Three of Isle Royale's lakes have witnessed the
evolution of new species or subspecies. Siskiwit Lake, although only 50
feet higher than Lake Superior, has been separated from it for about
5,000 years. In this time, through small mutations and differential
survival, the ciscos in Siskiwit Lake have changed enough to be
considered a new species. In Sargent Lake, about 100 feet above Lake
Superior, a subspecies, the Sargent Lake cisco, has evolved. Lake Desor
can make sole claim to two subspecies: the Lake Desor cisco and the Lake
Desor whitefish. And Lake Harvey has threea pearl dace, a
blacknose shiner, and a fathead minnowall bearing its name. In the
case of each lake, isolation from Lake Superior and other inland lakes
on the island prevented the intermixing of populations that would have
kept them genetically uniform. Why all the species in these three
lakes did not develop into new forms will probably remain one of the
mysteries of evolution.
For all their specialized forms of life and apparent
permanence, lakes are nevertheless one of the more ephemeral features of
nature. They die partly through the downcutting of their outlets, which
lowers the surface of the lake; but the chief agents of death are
siltation and spreading plants. Wherever the water is shallow and quiet,
aquatic plants take root. On the shallower lakes, a floating mat of
vegetation may develop and eventually cover the surface. Water lilies,
spikerushes, and others we have mentioned begin the process. As the
vegetation becomes denser, trapping more and more silt and organic
debris, sedges begin to form a mat on the surface. Gradually this sedge
mat extends farther and farther out over the water, as dead plants and
roots help to fill in the space underneath. As the shoreward parts of
the mat fill in and become somewhat drier, sphagnum moss often begins
growing on it. Whether sphagnum appears or not, shrubs soon become
established; leatherleaf, bog rosemary, and alders are the most common.
Where sphagnum is present, Labrador tea usually takes root, eventually
choking out the other small shrubs and much of the sphagnum as well.

(click on image for an enlargement in a new
As the sedge mat continues to grow out over the lake,
succession progresses on the landward parts. Debris from the plants
helps to build soil, and certain trees become established. Where the
soil is slightly acid, black spruce becomes the dominant species. Where
it is slightly alkaline, white-cedar is more prevalent. Sometimes a few
tamaracks also grow in these bog forests.
Eventually, as the soil builds and dries, the
"climax" species become established. Since most lakes and bogs on Isle
Royale are at the lower elevations, these species usually will be white
spruce and balsam fir. When this stage is reached, all influence of the
former lake is gone. It is truly dead.

The osprey, whose survival has been threatened by environmental
pollution, adds a note of excitement to the Isle Royale scene. This
nest, like most osprey nests on the island, was built in the top of a
tree killed in the 1936 burn. (Photo by Robt. G. Johnsson)
On Isle Royale you can see all phases of lake
extinction. Hidden Lake, for instance, at the start of the Lookout
Louise Trail, has an irregular fringe of bog mat. Lily Lake, in the
southwest part of the island, is closed over with a classic floating
mat. Walking on it you can feel it spring up and down. Growing on the
spongy surface are specialized plants such as sundew, pitcher plant, and
certain orchids such as rose pink and ladies' tresses. At Raspberry Bog,
on Raspberry Island, the mat has closed completely. A boardwalk nature
trail here takes you through successive zonesfrom black spruce to
Labrador tea to leatherleafthat represent phases in formation of
the bog. And looking down from almost any ridge, you can see dark
conifer swamps. Some of these may stand in place of former lakes. You
are witness to yet another aspect of change on ever changing Isle
Some lakes, however, will resist a very long time.
The larger and deeper a lake, the longer it will take to fill. Depth is
an obvious deterrent, but large surface size slows the filling process
in less obvious ways. Over lakes such as Siskiwit, Desor, and Feldtmann,
the wind sweeps unobstructed, building up large waves. These discourage
establishment of aquatic vegetation. And during warm spells in winter,
the ice cover expands, pushing out over the shore and bulldozing
anything in its way.
Ten thousand years from nowto be optimistic in
more than one wayour descendants may still hear loons wailing on
the broad waters of Siskiwit Lake.