Suggested Reading
Farb, Peter, and The Editors of Life, Ecology.
Time, Inc., 1963.
Hough, Jack L., Geology of the Great Lakes.
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Ill., 1958.
Janke, Robert A., The Wildflowers of Isle Royale
National Park. Isle Royale Natural History Association, 1962.
Johnsson, Robert G., and Philip C. Shelton, The
Vertebrates of Isle Royale National Park. Rev. ed,, 1964, Isle
Royale Natural History Association. Annotated lists.
Lagler, K. F., and C. R. Goldman, Fishes and Sport
Fishing in Isle Royale National Park. Isle Royale Natural History
Association, 1964.
Linn, Robert M., Forests and Trees of Isle Royale
National Park. Isle Royale Natural History Association, 1966.
Mech, L. David, The Wolves of Isle Royale.
National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, 1966.
Odum, Eugene P., and Howard T. Odum, Fundamentals
of Ecology, Saunders, 1959.
Quimby, George I., Indian Life in the Upper Great
Lakes, 11,000 B.C. to A.D. 1800. University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, 1960.
Rakestraw, Lawrence, Commercial Fishing on Isle
Royale. isle Royale Natural History Association, 1968.
Rakestraw, Lawrence, Historic Mining on Isle
Royale. Isle Royale Natural History Association, 1965.
Rutter, Russell J., and Douglas H. Pimlott, The
World of the Wolf, Lippincott, 1968.
Van Wormer, Joe, The World of the Moose.
Lippincott. 1972.
Wilderness Trails, A Guide to the Trails in Isle
Royale National Park, Isle Royale Natural History Association,

(Photo by Robt. G. Johnsson)