Appendix (continued)
Oligotrophic lakes are deep. cold, and clear, with
low nutrient levels and small amounts of plankton (microscopic plants
and animals). Eutrophic lakes are shallower (to 10 feet), warm and
colored, with high nutrient levels, abundant plank ton, and much aquatic
vegetation. Dystrophic lakes are the shallowest (usually less than 5
feet), warm, and brown, with high nutrient levels, abundant plankton,
and vegetation established in the shallow water around the entire
| Area in acres |
Maximum depth in feet |
Biological character |
Ahmik | 24 | 10 | Dystrophic |
Amygdaloid | 40 |
| Eutrophic |
Angleworm | 120 | 30 | Eutrophic |
Beaver | 42 | 17 |
Benson | 50 | 14 |
Chickenbone | 237 | 21 |
Desor | 1050 | 55 | Oligotrophic |
Dustin | 9 | 22 | Eutrophic |
Epidote | 3 | 5 | Eutrophic |
Eva | 32 | 24 | Eutrophic |
Feldtmann | 461 | 10 | Eutrophic |
Forbes | 16 | 21 | Eutrophic |
George | 7-1/2 | 10 |
Halloran | 187 | 10 | Eutrophic |
Harvey | 137 | 13 |
Hatchet | 131 | 18 |
Hidden | 3 |
| Dystrophic |
Intermediate | 162 | 24 | Eutrophic |
John | 9 | 14 | Eutrophic |
LeSage | 106 | 30 | Eutrophic |
Lily | 14 |
| Dystrophic |
Linklater | 40 | 21 | Eutrophic |
Livermore | 80 | 19 | Eutrophic |
Mason | 50 | 26 | Eutrophic |
McDonald | 30 | 14 | Eutrophic |
Moose | 5-1/2 |
| Dystrophic |
Mud | 50 | 3 | Dystrophic |
Newt | 15 |
| Dystrophic |
Ojibway | 40 |
Otter | 43 | 14 | Eutrophic |
Patterson | 20 | 13 | Eutrophic |
Richie | 520 | 39 | Oligotrophic |
Sargent | 368 | 45 | Oligotrophic |
Shesheeb | 25-1/2 | 20 | Eutrophic |
Scholts | 5-1/2 | 5 | Eutrophic |
Siskiwit | 4500 | 142 | Oligotrophic |
Stickleback | 3 |
| Dystrophic |
Sumner | 22 |
| Dystrophic |
Theresa | 13 |
| Dystrophic |
Wagejo | 14 | 10 | Eutrophic |
Wallace | 8 |
| Dystrophic |
Whittlesey | 156 | 30 |