Forest Enemies
Fire is the greatest single destructive force
threatening the park forests. During the 20-year period from 1930 to
1949, inclusive, the area of forest, brush, and grass burned over
annually within the National Park System averaged 10,990 acresless
than two-tenths of 1 percent of the acreage requiring intensive fire
protection. During this 20-year period the average number of fires per
annum was 349, of which 234, or 67 percent, were man-caused, and 114, or
33 percent, were set by lightning.
Little can be done to prevent lightning fires,
although research has been suggested to determine to what extent the
build-up of clouds toward electrical storms can either be dissipated or
diverted into normal rain storms without lightning by seeding the clouds
with dry ice or some other reactor at the proper time.
As for man-caused fires, every effort is being made,
in cooperation with State, private, and other Federal forest protection
organizations, to impress upon the public the danger of fire and the
means of preventing forest fires.
The Service has developed a well-trained and
well-equipped fire control organization, of which the park ranger
organizations constitute the backbone. These are augmented by fire
lookout observers and fire control aids. In periods of emergency all
other personnel of the parks are called on to assist, and, if necessary,
additional fire fighters are employed from outside the parks. The fire
control record of the Service compares very favorably with that of any
other forest protection agency, despite the tremendous number of
Forest insects take a considerable toll of the
forest trees, especially when unfavorable conditions, such as prolonged
drought, reduce their vitality and their resistance to the attacks of
destructive insects, enabling the latter to build up into epidemic
proportions. Within the national parks the chief agents of this type of
damage are the bark beetles, which girdle and kill the trees by their
galleries in the cambium layer. Other destructive insects are found
among the leaf feeders, such as the spruce budworm, the hemlock looper,
the needle miner, the tent caterpillar, and the fall webworm. When
epidemics develop, they result in widespread destruction and require
large sums of money for control. The policy of the National Park
Service, therefore, is to maintain a very careful watch for any
observable build-up of infestation beyond the
normal condition and take corrective measures to
prevent the development of serious epidemics.
Tree diseases.Some of the native fungi
and viruses may at times erupt into serious epidemics, as the oak wilt
at present. However, the worst troubles in this line have been from
introduced diseases. Examples of these are the chestnut blight, which
has practically wiped out the native chestnut in the eastern forests;
the Dutch elm disease, which is killing large numbers of elms in the
East; and the white pine blister rust, a fungus disease introduced on
both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts on imported nursery stock.
To preserve representative stands of white or
5-needled pine species in 14 areas of the National Park System, both
East and West, the Service is carrying out intensive operations to
control the white pine blister rust. These areas contain representative
stands of one or more of the following species: eastern white pine,
western white pine, white-bark pine, limber pine, foxtail pine, and
sugar pine. This white pine blister rust fungus has alternate
hostsa white pine species in one stage of the infection and ribes
(currants and gooseberries) during the other stage. The fungus spreads
by means of tiny wind-borne spores. When a pine is infected, cankers
develop in the bark. Infected pines die when the fungus completely
girdles the main stem or trunk or when many of the branches are killed
by girdling. The rust cannot be transmitted directly from one pine tree
to another but the spores developed by the rust on the pines infect the
currants and gooseberries, and the spores from these species in turn
infect the white pines. Control for the preservation of the white pines
is therefore accomplished by eradication of the ribes.
Insects and tree diseases together are today
responsible for greater losses of forest trees than is fire.
Man.Taking this country as a whole, the human
species is the agent responsible for the greatest forest losses. A large
share of this is due to man's carelessness with fire, such as throwing
away burning matches or tobacco; leaving unextinguished campfires; and
failing to prevent the spread of debris-burning fires. Other
contributing causes, originating with man, are logging operations,
sparks from locomotives, and incendiarism. In commercial forests,
failure to leave seed trees or to protect reproduction while logging, or
from fire thereafter, has resulted in millions of acres of unproductive
forest land. Man is also responsible for much of the forest destruction
by diseases and insects by the introductions of foreign pests through
inadequate precautions. Fortunately, the areas of the National Park
System are exempt from logging operations, and they have experienced a
very low ratio of man-caused fires in comparison with the millions of
people who visit them. This care on the part of park visitors is a great
aid in the protection of national park values.