Preservation of Natural Conditions
As previously set forth, Congress wisely prescribed
that the national parks and monuments are to be administered in such
manner as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future
generations. Many of the laws establishing national parks contain
specific provisions for the retention of their forests in a natural,
undisturbed condition.
It is the intent of this legislation that
interference with the normal processes of Nature within the forests of
the national parks and monuments shall be limited to that necessary to
provide for their use and enjoyment by the public, and to provide for
the protection of the areas from fire and from devastating epidemics of
insects and tree diseases. The maintenance of natural conditions
precludes commercial forestry practices such as logging, pruning,
thinning, and discrimination against so-called inferior species. These
practices, designed to produce the most valuable crops of commercial
products, are foreign to the purposes for which the national parks were
set aside. Within the parks all native species have a proper place in
the natural picture and may not be disturbed except for essential
development or protection.
Forests are not static, but are communities of many
species of living plants and the habitat of many species of animal life,
from the microscopic creatures within the soil to the mighty moose and
grizzlies that roam, through some of them. All of these elements
combine to form a complex living community in which each species has its
place and adapts itself to its environment if it is to survive. It is
self-evident that all trees will die in the natural course of
The openings thereby created in the forest will be
filled by young trees, and thus the life of the forest will be continued
without interruption. Decaying trees furnish homes for many species of
birds and mammals. The destruction of these habitats over wide areas may
even result in the extinction of some species, as is proving to be the
case with regard to the ivory-billed woodpecker.
The forests of the National Park System, maintained
in their natural state and allowing the natural processes of growth and
decay free play, constitute great outdoor museums in which natural
relations between plants and animals may be studied. This, in fact, is
one of the important functions of national park forests. In order that
they may be suitable laboratories of Nature it is essential that they
constitute complete biotic units.
Use of these forests for scientific studies does not
prevent their enjoyment for recreational use and for inspiration and
beauty. They form the setting for many of the superlative scenic
attractions of the Nation.
There are those who believe it wasteful to permit
large and valuable trees to die, fall down, and rot when they could have
been used commercially. Such persons have in numerous instances
advocated selective logging in the national parks in order to utilize
the mature and overmature trees while they are still merchantable. Such
logging, no matter how selective or restrictive it may be or how
carefully it is accomplished, changes the complex forest community, and
the area no longer exists as a natural forest.
The time is coming when there will be no more virgin
forest except that preserved in the National Parks . . . then the
demands for the virgin forest in the national parks will become more
insistent. But it will be more important with each passing year to
protect from encroachments all of the National Parks and Monuments,
which comprise only about one percent of the area of the continental
United States. If we lower our standards and relax our vigilance we may
lose the heritage which the wisdom of our forefathers bequeathed to
Editorial, American Planning and Civic
