Nature Notes

Volume XXXII-XXXIII - 2001/2002

cover of issue
(click on image for an enlarged view in a new window)

Cover Photo: View of Crater Lake and Phantom Ship from Reflection Point. Tinted lantern slide, ca. 1910. Additional photos around the edge appear in Nature Notes from Crater Lake, 2000.

Nature Notes is produced by the National Park Service in cooperation with the Crater Lake Natural History Association. © 2002.

Disclaimer: With the exception of corrections to a few grammatical errors (to improve readability), Nature Notes is reproduced as it was originally published. Much has been learned about the natural history of Crater Lake National Park since these notes were first published, rendering some of the original conclusions inaccurate or invalid, just as determinations of today may be rendered "obsolete" 50-60 years hence. The reader is advised to consult more recent literature to obtain a current understanding of the topic.

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