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During the absence of Park Naturalist Edwin D. McKee Acting Park Naturalist Donald Edward McHenry is most ably assisted by Ranger Naturalist Louis Shellbach. Mr. Shellbach is a fortunate temporary addition to the naturalist force, being an archaeologist of considerable experience and ability. As a member of the Museum of the American Indian in New York, he accompanied M. R. Harrington on his expedition to the Lost City in southern Nevada, 1924-5-6, conducted the Idaho Archaeological Expedition in 1929, and led an expedition excavating Indian mounds in northern Wisconsin in 1930. In 1932-33 he was a member of the Cocle Expedition to the interior of Panama for the Peabody Museum of Harvard University. Mr. Shellbach is doing some valuable reworking of the exhibits at our Wayside Museum of Archaeology.
The first Brewer's Sparrow, Spizella b. breweri, to be recorded from the South Rim of Grand Canyon was a female found dead in front of the general store on September 23. We now have migration records of this species from both rims and the bottom of Grand Canyon. ![]()
A large Mountain Sheep ram (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) seen in the neighborhood of Havasupai Point on the South Rim of the canyon instead of down on the slopes below the canyon rim, represents a new record of this animal living upon the rim. At first this animal was wild and timid, but as he became accustomed to the daily presence of members of a surveying party in the vicinity, he would run short distances and stand and watch the men of the party for long periods of time. ![]()
A Townsend Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi, Audobon) was killed by flying into the large window at Yavapai Observation Station on September 20. On this same day Park Naturalist McKee saw one of these birds at Grandview. The last record of this bird in the park was July 10, 1929, when a female was collected just under the east rim in the Kaibab Forest. ![]()
This year there is a large increase in the number of Colorado Rock Squirrels (Otospermophilus g. grammurus) both at Indian Gardens in the Canyon, and along the South Rim. ![]()
It appears that about September 28 the tarantulas began their annual parade across the highways on the South Rim of the canyon. Thirty-four were counted on the east drive between the junctions of the roads leading to Yavapai Point and to Yaki Point. All seemed headed northward. ![]()
Two Kildeer (Oxyechus v. vociferus. Linn.) were seen on the east rim road between Grandview and the ranger station at the junction of the old Cameron road. The previous record was made by Park Naturalist McKee in Lookout Canyon on August 30, 1929. ![]()
An Arizona Gray Fox (Urocyon cinercargenteus scotti) was seen in the center of the road at a point between the main highway and Yavapai Observation Station about 7:15 P.M. on October 7, 1933. He paused for a moment, blinded by the headlights of the car, and then slowly trotted off into the darkness on the east side of the road. ![]()
Ed. Note: The author of the account of rattlesnake on page 213 has learned since writing this article that the recent records are new records from these localities, and careful examination of the specimens may revise the identifications. Illustrations by Louis Sehellbach. |
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