Peperomia sp.Pepper Family (Piperaceae)
Although related, the peperomia is not the plant from which
commercial black pepper is obtained. This small, succulent-like plant
is common along the moist trailsides in Kipuka Puaulu and other areas
near Kilauea. The leaves grow in groups of twos, opposing one another,
with two pairs radiating in such a manner that four leaves seem to
originate at the same point along the stem. The flowers are extremely
small, and are borne on a stalk which is often several inches long. The
plants were used for making a gray dye used on tapa cloth. About
twelve species occur near Kilauea, but they are very difficult to
distinguish without a microscope.
(Inch squares on background)
Rumex giganteusBuckwheat Family (Polygonaceae)
(Inch squares on background)
Dock or sorrel is a common plant throughout the world. About
150 kinds are known. At least three of these are found in Hawaii
National Park, but the only native plant is the pawale, which is
illustrated. The others were introduced, probably in cattle feed. The
leaves of the giant dock are shiny, with conspicuous veining. An
outstanding feature is the presence of the seeds in a clump or head at
the top of the plant. The flowers are inconspicuous and bear no petals.
Degener states that the Hawaiians made a medicine from the bark of the
root to treat certain skin diseases.
Haleakala's Paliku cabin is nestled beneath a sheer pali. STOY
Osteomeles anthyllidifoliaRose Family (Rosaceae)
The ulei has clustered, white flowers like
those of the apple, to which it is related. The plant ranges in size
from a small shrub a foot or less in height to a tree 10 or more feet
tall. The small leaflets are long-oval with a prominent midvein, and
grow opposite one another along the leaf stalks. The fruits, which are
whitish in color, each contain five seeds. The plant grows on relatively
dry lava flows between 2,000 and 4,000 feet. The tough but pliable wood
of the ulei was shaped by the Hawaiians into a hoop for keeping
the mouths of fish nets open.
(Inch squares on background)
Rubus hawaiensisRose Family (Rosaceae)
(Inch squares on background)
Look for the Hawaiian raspberry in Kipuka Puaulu on
the slopes of Mauna Loa and in the vicinity of Paliku in the Haleakala
section, but it is not a common plant. A close relative of the blackberry,
the akala has magenta-colored flowers and red fruit which
may grow to a length of 2 inches. The berries vary considerably in their
palatability, some being sweet and others bitter. The plants are erect,
and may reach a height of 6 or more feet. It is probable that the juice
of the fruit was used as a tapa dye in the old days.