Fragaria chiloensisRose Family (Rosaceae)
The white strawberry is a common plant in Kipuka
Puaulu and other moist forests throughout the Kilauea section, and in a
zone around certain parts of Haleakala. Many of you will recognize the
flowers and leaves. The fruits are small and whitish and vary in flavor
in different localities. According to Hillebrand the fruit was favored
by both the Hawaiian people and the nene or Hawaiian goose, which
is now near extinction.
Seeds of the white strawberry may have first reached
the Hawaiian Islands attached to the plumage or in the digestive tracts
of birds.
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Geranium sp.Geranium Family (Geraniaceae)
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On Haleakala you will see a common road and trailside
plant with leaves which are silver in color due to the presence of many
small hairs. There are several kinds of silver geraniums on the islands
of Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii. They are found at high elevations, and are
shrubs except for one kind which may grow to 10 or more feet high. With
the exception of one species which has a red flower, the hinahina
have white, star-shaped flowers, often with purplish markings.
The silver-colored hairs apparently reflect the rays
of the sun, and limit the amount of evaporation through the leaves.
Several species are dying out now and face possible extermination,
outside of the parkon cattle ranges in particular.
Dodonaea viscosaSoapberry Family (Sapindaceae)
One of the most common shrubs in the Kilauea-Mauna
Loa section of the park is the aalii, "of the royalty." Clusters
of what you may think are bright red or yellow flowers will be seen on
the aalii. When you look closer, you will see these are
seed-bearing capsules, or fruits. Most of these capsules have three
"wings" although some have two and others four. The wood of this erect
shrub is extremely hard, and the Hawaiians used it for making weapons
and implements. The capsules were steeped in calabashes by dropping hot
stones in with them, and a red juice extracted which was used as a dye
for tapa cloth and other articles.
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Wikstroemia sandwicensisMezereum Family (Thymelaeaceae)
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The description of this plant should be carefully
noted, since the akia is extremely poisonous if eaten by humans.
The fruit is similar in color and size to the edible ohelo
berries, except for the presence of a single seed in the akia
(see photograph) and many small seeds in the ohelo. There are
numerous small branches on the akia, which usually is a shrub or
small tree. The leaves are smooth on the edges, and the bark is tough.
Flowers are at the end of the branchessmall, yellow, and
inconspicuous. The Hawaiians used the akia bark, leaves, and roots to
make a fish poison and a drink used to execute condemned prisoners and
for suicide.