The Regional Review

Volume IV - No. 1

January, 1940


Herbert Evison
Herbert Evison

HERBERT EVISON, Associate Regional Director, who has been stationed at Richmond since establishment of the Region One headquarters in the summer of 1936, has been transferred (effective February 1) to the Washington office where he will head the Division of State Relations of the Branch of Recreation, Land Planning and State Cooperation. FRED T. JOHNSTON, who has been Acting Chief of that division, will come to Richmond as Associate Regional Director. Formerly a member of the staff of Yellowstone National Park, Mr. Johnston has been assigned to the Washington office since the early days of the Civilian Conservation Corps program.

HERBERT KAHLER, formerly Coordinating Superintendent of Southeastern National Monuments stationed at Fort Marion National Monument, Florida, and now assigned to Morristown National Historical Park, New Jersey, as Coordinating Superintendent of Service areas of the Northeast, has been appointed Chief of the Historic Sites Division of the Branch of Historic Sites, Washington, in a transfer of duties with FRANCIS S. RONALDS, who withdrew in 1937 from the faculty of the University of Illinois to enter the Service.

In Memoriam


Born March 22, 1876

Director, Civilian Conservation Corps

April 6, 1933, Until His Death, December 31, 1939

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