MYRON H. AVERY, an admiralty attorney of the United
States Maritime Commission, is a native of Maine and a graduate of the
Harvard Law School . As Chairman of the Board of the Appalachian Trail
Conference and President of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, he has
been instrumental in advancing the development of the Maine-to-Georgia
ALFRED F. HOPKINS (See Vol. II, No. 2) has assembled
several important groups of foreign and American swords. Referring to
one of them, Theodore T. Belote, Curator of History, United States
National Museum, wrote (American and European Swords in the
Historical Collections of the National Museum, Bulletin 163, 1932):
"It constituted en exceptionally valuable acquisition to the historical
collections of the National Museum, because prior to its receipt they
included only very few American swords of the type manufactured prior to
1840. The acquisition of the Hopkins collection thus filled an important
gap in the Museum series. . ."
RICHARD LIEBER, Chairman of the Board of the National
Conference on State Parks, Second Vice President of the American
Planning and Civic Association, and a member of the Advisory Board on
National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings, and Monuments, has long been
a commanding figure in the recreation-conservation field. Director of
the Department of Conservation of Indiana from 1919 to 1933, he is known
as the builder of that state's model park system.
JOHN I. NEASMITH (See Vol. I, No. 4.)