National Park Service
The History of a Building Type
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I would like to thank the following for their help and encouragement:

Ferrill Atkins, Sybil Barnes, Roberta Beer, Don Benson, Randy Biallas, Catherine Bishir, Ethan Carr, Tom Casey, Joan Childers, Candace Clifford, Catherine Colby, Richard Cronenberger, Mary Doll, Elizabeth Dawsari, Jeri Deyoung, Tom DuRant, Steve Harrison, Richard Hein, Michelle Helickson, Bob Hoff, Sayre Hutcheson, Chris Jones, Tom Keohan, Catherine Kisluk, Denise Mayo, Pam Meck, Ehrman Mitchell, Hermine Mitchell, Jody Morrison, Dave Nathanson, Dion Neutra, Rose Padgett, Winona Peterson, Jesse Pointon, Richard Segars, Richard Strait, Kathy Tudek, Judy Visty, Jannette Wesley, Rodd Wheaton and Bill Whitaker.

The following archives, libraries and offices were consulted during the project:

The American Heritage Center, Laramie, Wyoming; The Architectural Archives, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Denver Service Center, Technical Information Center and library, Lakewood, Colorado; National Park Service History Collection, Harpers Ferry Center and photo archives, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; MGA Partners files, Philadelphia; National Archives, College Park, Maryland; park archives, Dinosaur National Monument, Jensen, Utah; park archives, Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; park archives, Petrified Forest National Park, Apache County, Arizona; park archives and library, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado; park archives, Wright Brothers National Memorial; park archives, Wupatki National Monument, Flagstaff, Arizona; Park Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes Program files, Washington, D. C.; Park Service Headquarters, Flagstaff, Arizona; Fort Raleigh Headquarters, Manteo, North Carolina; Regional National Archives, Philadelphia; Rocky Mountain Regional Office files, Lakewood, Colorado; Outer Banks History Center, Manteo, North Carolina; Taliesin Associated Architects library, Scottsdale, Arizona; Western History Center, Denver Public Library; park archives, Zion National Park, Utah. The Denver Public Library also provided invaluable support through its interlibrary loan service.

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Last Updated: 26-Apr-2016