ACEC | Area of Critical Environmental Concern |
ADP | Automated Data Processing |
AFCS | Alaskan Fire Control Service |
ALDS | Automatic Lightning Detection System |
ALMRS | Automated Land and Mineral Record System |
AMP | Allotment Management Plan |
ANCSA | Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act |
ANILCA | Alaska Natural Interest Lands Conservation Act |
ARPA | Archaeological Resources Protection Act |
AUM | Animal Unit Month |
BIFC | Boise Interagency Fire Center |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BMT | Bureau Management Team Bureau (see BLM) |
CCC | Civilian Conservation Corps |
CEQ | Council on Environmental Quality |
CMA | Cooperative Management Agreements |
CMU Act | Classification and Multiple Use Act |
DM | District Manager |
EA | Environmental Assessment |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EMARS | Energy Mineral Allocation Recommendation System |
EMARS II | Energy Minerals Activity Recommendation System |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ESI | Ecological Site Inventory |
ESO | Eastern States Office |
FLPMA | Federal Land Policy and Management Act |
FOGRMA | Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act |
FS | Forest Service |
FWPCA | Federal Water Pollution Control Act |
FWS | Fish and Wildlife Service |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GLO | General Land Office |
HMP | Habitat Management Plan |
IAMS | Initial Attack Management System |
KGS | Known Geologic Structure |
LIS | Land Information System |
LWCF | Land and Water Conservation Fund |
MFP | Management Framework Plan |
MMS | Minerals Management Service |
MOSS | Map Overlay and Statistical System |
MTP | Master Title Plat |
NABC | National Advisory Board Council |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NHPA | National Historic Preservation Act |
NRDC | Natural Resources Defense Council |
NWCG | National Wildfire Coordinating Group |
OAS | Office of Aircraft Services |
O&C | Oregon and California |
OCS | Outer Continental Shelf |
OEPR | Office of Environmental Project Review |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
ORRRC | Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission |
ORV | Off-Road Vehicle |
OTA | Office of Technology Assessment |
P&EC | (Division of) Planning and Environmental Coordination |
PET | Petroleum Engineering Technician |
PLLRC | Public Land Law Review Commission |
PRIA | Public Rangelands Improvement Act |
PSD | Prevention of Significant Deterioration |
R&PP Act | Recreation and Public Purposes Act |
RAWS | Remote Automated Weather Stations |
RMP | Resource Management Plan |
SIMO | Simultaneous Oil and Gas Leasing Program |
URA | Unit Resource Analysis |
USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
WSA | Wilderness Study Area |