Catoctin Mountain Park
Historic Resource Study
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Appendix 1
Catoctin Furnace Machinery Foundation
Catoctin Furnace Machinery Foundation, Furnace Stack Facing North (University of Maryland at College Park Libraries, Special Collections, WPA Photos)

Appendix 2
Catoctin Furnace Village House
Catoctin Furnace Village House (University of Maryland at College Park Libraries, Special Collections, WPA Photos)

Appendix 3
Iron Master's House and Workers' Cottages
Iron Master's House and Workers' Cottages (FDR Library)

Appendix 4
Amos Lucas, long nearly the sole African American living in the Mechanicstown District, operated a barber shop in town in the late-1800s. (Catoctin Clarion)

Appendix 5
map of railroad route
The Western Maryland Railroad

Appendix 6
railroad images
Western Maryland Railroad scenery, including high bridge over Owens' Creek

Appendix 7

Sabillasville, Lantz, and Foxville Post Offices Described in 1887. (Charls W. Miller, Post Offices of Frederick County for the Year 1887, Frederick, 1974)


Is a post village situated near the Washington County line, 4 miles from Smithsburg, a station on the Western Maryland Railroad, from which they receive a daily mail. Land ordinary, a great deal of it mountain and timber; farming lands sell at from $20 to $50 per acre; produces very well, and can be easily improved. It has public schools and churches; plenty of pure mountain water flows from never-failing springs; climate extremely healthy. This village is extensively laid out, and claim a population of 250. The following farmers receive mail at this office:

Brown, Henry T.
Brown, David
Brown, Wm. H.
Brown, David C.
Burglito, Daniel
Brown, Ignatius
Burhman, Levi
Brown, Martin L.
Burhman, Wm. L.
Burhman, E.M.Z.
Duncan, Rebecca
Fox, Geo. L.
Fox, Thos. C.
Hauver, Albert
Hauver, Peter
Hauver, Washington
Krise, Mrs. Jno.
Lewis, Bernard
Lewis, David
Lewis, Samuel W.
Lewis, Lee
Manahan, Cyrus B.
Moser, Ezra
McAfee, Lavinia
Prior, Alfred
Sturdevant, Wm.
Toms, David
Toms, Hiram
Toms, Thos. B.
Wyand, Yost
Fox, Joseph H.


Is on the Western Maryland Railroad, 66 miles from Baltimore and 35 miles from Frederick by rail and 23 by road. Land is mostly cleared and sells at from $25 to $40 per acre; produces fine crops of wheat, corn, etc., and fairly improved. This village is pleasantly located, has several fine stores and a splendid hotel, which is kept by John Stem, Esq., a most excellent gentleman, who with his good lady makes you feel at home when you visit them. Mr. Lewis Crawford is the enterprising man of the town, and possesses most excellent business qualifications. He served this country on the Commissioners Board for quite a number of years, and was president of the board several terms. Among the largest farmers are: Maurice E. Schoffer, Samuel Royer, L. C. Harbaugh, Adam H. Eyler, L & D. Crawford and others. The farmers are well to do, thrifty, and very hospitable. For rosy cheek, pretty girls, I put this place against any in the county. It would do our sickly, pale-faced looking city girls good for a glimpse at these fine looking Sabillasville lasses. The town boasts of two churches, Reformed and United Brethern, and a fine public school. Pure water is in abundance hereabouts. Population 175. The following farmers receive mail here:

Anderson, Thompson
Arnsparger, Mrs. A.
Crawford, David
Coffman, Joseph
Crawford, L. & David
Leichtenberger, Levi
McClane, Catherine
Moser, Joshua
McClane, John of P.
McClane, Peter
Miller, Sarah
Eyler, Adam H.
Eby, Daniel
Gall, John H.
Harbaugh, L. C.
Harbaugh, Charles
Harbaugh, Mrs. Catherine
Harbaugh, George M.
Harbaugh, Hiram
Harbaugh, James
Harbaugh, Sanford
Harbaugh, Yost
Harbaugh, Carlton J.
Harbaugh, Ephraim F.
Krise, Frank J.
Prior, David
Prior, John W.
Royer, Samuel
Stem, Julian
Sheffler, Maurice E.
Tressler, Isaac
Waggaman, David A.
Wertenbaker, Catherine
Waggaman, David E.
Wertenbaker, George W.
Williar, Joel P.
Williar, Lewis E.
Waggaman, Richard
Zimmerman, H. Ann


Is on the Western Maryland Railroad, nestled among the hills of the Catoctin Mountain, and pleasantly situated. The land is fair mountain land, mostly timber; the farms are well improved and cultivated, and produce fair crops; the water in this locality is very superior and the farmers around are hospitable; farming land sells at from $20 to $50 per acre. The Messrs J. B. Brown & Son, merchants here, are first-class people and energetic, well to do business men. The following farmers receive their mail here:

Ambrose, John C.
Burhman, David & Henry
Burhman, Henry of J.
Brown, Joseph B.
Boyer, Margaret
Burhman, Silas
Fisher, Jeremiah
Harbaugh, Cornelia
Harbaugh, S. W.
Lantz, Joseph B.
Mentzer, David
Prior, George W.
Smith, William D.
Smith, John C.
Williar, Hiram A.
Williar, John M.
Willhide, Josiah
Willhide, Frederick N.
Willhide, Henry of F.
Willhide, Arnold R.

Appendix 8
travel info
Late Nineteenth-Century Tourism in the Catoctin Region

Appendix 9
newspaper photots
Newspaper Photos of Crash of Blue Mountain Express, 1915.

Appendix 10
Foxville Watch Tower
Foxville Watch Tower, circa 1915.

Appendix 11
Maryland State Planning Commission Maps of Original Park Borders, 1935. (Maryland State Planning Commission, Preliminary Statement on Problems of Land Usage in Maryland, July 1935)

Appendix 12
Letter Protesting Catoctin Land Acquisition, 1936. (RG 79, Records Concerning RDAs, RDA Program Files, 1934-1947), box 61, National Archives)

Appendix 13
brochure cover
Promotional Material for Recreational Demonstration Areas.

Appendix 14
Letter from Catoctin WPA workers protesting long drive to work. (RG 79, Records Concerning RDAs, RDA Program Files, 1934-1947), box 57, National Archives)

Appendix 15
saw mill photos
43,000 FBM rough lumber sawed at Project mill (top), 56,000 FBM rough lumber sawed at Project mill (middle), 7,000 FBM flooring material prepared at Project mill (bottom)

saw mill photos
Log yard at Project sawmill - continuous operation - 300 FBM log measure (top), 22,000 FBM lumber sawe at Project sawmill (middle), 8,000 FBM flooring and dressed lumber for interior woodwork prepared at Project mill (bottom).
Wood produced by Catoctin RDA Saw Mill (RG 79, Records Concerning RDAs, RDA Program Files, 1934-1947), box 57, National Archives)

Appendix 16
WPA Workers at Catoctin Furnace School
WPA Workers at Catoctin Furnace School, circa 1937 (University of Maryland at College Park Libraries, Special Collections, WPA Photos)

Appendix 17

Recreation Demonstration Area Days
For several seasons, social agencies under permit from the National Park Service conducted a summer camp for crippled children at Catoctin, writing bright pages in the annals of the President's social program.
daily program
Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Maryland League for Crippled Children, and Federal Camp Council Use of Catoctin RDA.

Appendix 18
list of RDA projects
Proposed African-American Use of Recreational Demonstation Areas. (RG 79, Records Concerning RDAs, RDA Programs Files, box 17, National Archives)

Appendix 19
Aerial View of Catoctin CCC Camp (Source National Civil Conservation Corps Alumni Association, St. Louis, MO)

1Education Building
2-3-5-6Men's Quarters
4Utility Boiler Room (provided water to Barracks)
7Mess Hall and Kitchen
8Recreation Room and Canteen
9Army Office
10Officers Quarters
11Supply Room
12Hospital and Dispensary
13Superintendent Office
14Tool Shop
15-16-17Garrage from Trucks and Equipment
18Mechanic Garage

Appendix 20
"Narrative Report for Month of October, 1942" (RG 79, Records Concerning RDAs, RDA Program Files, box 57, National Archives)

Appendix 21
view of swimming pool
President's Pool at Shangri-La (FDR Library)

Appendix 22
diagram of main lodge
Sketch of Main Lodge at Shangri-La (Kathie Hogan, "Secret in the Catoctin Mountains: A History of Camp David," Hood College Honors Thesis, 1981)

Appendix 23
FDR Chronology
FDR Chronology
FDR Chronology
FDR Chronology
FDR Chronology
FDR Chronology
FDR's Visit to Shangri-La (FDR Library, The Pare Lorentz Chronology)

Appendix 24
Chicago Daily News Reveals Presidential "Hideway" (Chicago Daily News, October 14, 1943)

Appendix 25
road resurfacing

road resurfacing

road resurfacing
Bituminous Resurfacing of Roads, 1945.

Appendix 26
Shangri-La Pass, 1946 (FDR Library, William Hassett Papers)

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Last Updated: 21-Nov-2003