CCC Forestry


ADVICE in the preparation of this text, and constructive criticisms of the original drafts were given by the following men of the United States Forest Service: J. A. Fitzwater, assistant chief of the Division of Forest Management; R. R. Hill, inspector of grazing of the Division of Range Management; H. S. Betts, acting chief, and W. D. Brush of the Division of Forest Products; W. R. Mattoon, extension forester, Division of State Cooperation; H. Hopkins, assistant regional forester and F. C. Simmons, Jr., associate forester, Region 7; F. X. Schumacher, in charge of Forest Measurements, Division of Silvics; G. M. Gowen, forest inspector; Dr. O. Raber, plant physiologist; W. L. Dutton, acting chief, Division of Wildlife and Range Management, and B. C. Park, assistant range examiner, Region 7; and H. E. Schwan, in charge of Range Surveys and Plans, Region 2.

The Office of Education of the Department of the Interior, and especially Howard W. Oxley, director, and Maj. Silas M. Ransopher, assistant director, CCC Camp Education; C. M. Arthur, research specialist, vocational education; and W. A. Ross, Specialist, agricultural education, reviewed the text and offered many helpful suggestions concerning format and adaptability to CCC camp needs.

The Sketches, diagrams, and charts are from the pens of Jinnie H. Dawkins, Leta Hughey, Irma A. Schofield, C. L. Taylor, E. M. Callahan, and E. G. McCabe. Ruth P. Odell, and Helen M. A. Doyle, aided in proofreading, stenographic work, and in the arrangement of text and illustrative material.

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Last Updated: 02-Apr-2009