TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION TO FORESTRY THE FOREST; FORESTRY; THE TREE; THE FOREST FLOOR; THE TREE COMMUNITY; SUMMARY. CHAPTER II. FOREST VALUES STANDARDS OF VALUE; PHYSICAL VALUES, Effect of forests on temperature and humidity, Forests and rainfall, The forest and erosion, Stream flow; SOCIAL VALUES, The forest and employment, The forest and community development, Recreation, Wildlife; SUMMARY. CHAPTER III. FOREST CONSERVATION FORESTS OF THE PAST; AGENCIES WORKING FOR CONSERVATION, The United States Forest Service, The National Park Service, The Soil Conservation Service, Indian forests, Tree pest control, State forestry, Forestry organizations, Forestry on private lands; SUMMARY. CHAPTER IV. FOREST PROTECTION MAN THE FOREST ENEMY; FOREST FIRES, Causes, Effects of forest fires, Fire prevention, Fire control, Kinds of fires, How forest fires burn, Fighting fire, Fire-fighting equipment; FOREST INSECTS, Insect types and attacks, Insect control measures; TREE DISEASES, Fungous Diseases, Nursery Diseases, Introduced Diseases, Solving the Disease Problem; OTHER FOREST ENEMIES; SUMMARY. CHAPTER V. FOREST REPRODUCTION NATURAL REPRODUCTION, Seed dispersal, Seedling growth; ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION, Choosing species, Reasons for planting, Reproduction by sprouts, Handling seed, Direct seeding, Planting; SUMMARY. CHAPTER VI. SYSTEMS OF TIMBER MANAGEMENT STANDS; CLEAR-CUTTING SYSTEMS, Shelterwood method, Strip method, Seed tree method; THE SELECTION SYSTEM; FOREST SUBDIVISIONS; IMPROVEMENT CUTTINGS, Utilizing the products; MARKING TIMBER; FARM WOODLANDS, The uses of the farm forest, Care and management of farmwoods, Grazing in the farmwoods, Harvesting the products, Marketing farm timber; SUMMARY. CHAPTER VII. FOREST UTILIZATION WOOD CONSUMPTION; PROPERTIES OF WOOD; USE OF FOREST PRODUCTS, Use of lumber in construction, Lumber in manufacturing, Timbers, Pulpwood, Bolts, Fuel wood, Distillation wood, Miscellaneous wood products; BETTER UTILIZATION, Decreasing wood waste, Increasing wood usage, Preserving wood; SUMMARY. CHAPTER VIII. FOREST MENSURATION UNITS OF MEASUREMENT; CRUISING, Cruising instruments, Cruising practices; GROWTH STUDIES; TIMBER SURVEYS; SCALING TIMBER; SUMMARY, An example of practical forest mensuration. CHAPTER IX. LUMBERING LOGGING, Felling, Trimming, Bucking; TRANSPORTING LOGS, Skidding, Log hauling, Transportation by water; STORING LOGS; MILLING, Types of saws, Sawing, Seasoning, Portable mills; SUMMARY. CHAPTER X. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION OF GAME; FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE, Wildlife and recreation, Wildlife of the past, Wildlife of today; PROBLEMS OF GAME MANAGEMENT; VALUES or WILDLIFE; MANAGEMENT or SMALL GAME, Cover, Feed, Stocking, Laws; MANAGEMENT OF BIG GAME, Homes, The Yellowstone herds, Solving big-game problems; MANAGEMENT OF CARNIVORE; MANAGING MIGRATORY FOWL; FISH MANAGEMENT, Protecting fish streams, Improving streams and ponds, Planting and restocking, Laws; SUMMARY, The outlook. CHAPTER XI. RANGE MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION; HISTORY OF THE RANGE; PRINCIPLES OF RANGE MANAGEMENT, Restoring and maintaining forage, Proper class of stock, Seasonal use, Regulation of number of stock, Proper distribution of stock, Improvement of the range, Handling to meet local conditions, Coordination with other land uses; SUMMARY. CHAPTER XII. FOREST ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS, The compass, The Abney level, Chains and tapes, Maps; TRUCK TRAILS, Truck trail location, Surveys, Construction, Maintenance; TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION; THE TELEPHONE INSTRUMENT, The transmitter, The induction coil, The receiver, The generator, The bell, Telephone currents; LOOKOUT TOWERS, Steel towers, Wooden towers; BRIDGES, Abutments, Trestles, Wood for bridges; DAMS. CHAPTER XIII. FOREST RECREATION TYPES OF RECREATIONAL AREAS; CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENTS, Location of camp sites, Clearing, Signs and posts, Camp stoves and fireplaces, Tables and benches, Garbage pits, Incinerators, Water supply, Latrines, Miscellaneous improvements; SUMMARY. CHAPTER XIV. THE WORK OF FORESTRY THE NATURE OF FOREST WORK, Scope of forestry, Standards of forest work; TRAINING OF FOREST WORKERS, For nonskilled work, For skilled work, For professional foresters; EMPLOYMENT IN FORESTRY, Jobs in the Federal forestry program, Jobs in private forestry, State forestry, Educational work, Where foresters work, Emergency employment; PAY FOR FOREST WORK, The "forest work" tree. CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE; ONE HUNDRED IMPORTANT TREES OF THE UNITED STATES; GLOSSARY OF FORESTRY TERMS. INDEX (omitted from the online edition)