CCC Forestry


To be used with CCC Vocational Series No. 8.

An example of how the cross-reference guide is used: A foreman in a CCC camp is preparing to teach a lesson in forestry. He uses the outline of instruction, CCC Vocational Series No. 8, as a teaching plan, and is working on the second lesson of Unit Course I. Under section III, number 3, he finds that he must lead a discussion on forest influences (see p. 13, outline of instruction). Now, this foreman has a pretty good idea of the influences of forests on civilization, but the word "physical" bothers him a little, and he is not sure about the effects of forests on climate and rainfall. He would like some reference material on the subject so that he can "brush up" a little before meeting his class. Taking a copy of "CCC Forestry" which he keeps within reach, he turns to the cross-reference guide and looks under lesson 2. There he finds: "Sec. III—3____17 to 27." He knows that "Sec. III—3" means section III, number 3, of the lesson outline and the "17 to 27" refers to pages in "CCC Forestry" which will explain forest influences. Turning to page 17 he finds that it is the beginning of a section on forest influences which will furnish the information he needs.

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Last Updated: 02-Apr-2009