The following visual bibliography is just a
sampling of the handbooks and books which have been published for this park. does not endorse these, but are merely presenting them for
informational purposes only. As most are copyrighted, we are only able
to provide the covers, and not contents, of these publications.
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Island of the Blue Dolphins Scott O'Dell 1960
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The Chumash Indians of Southern California Eugene N. Anderson, Jr. 1968
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Chumash Indian Games Travis Hudson and Jan Timbrook 1980
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Diary of a Sea Captain's Wife: Tales of Santa Cruz Island Margaret Holden Eaton 1980
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Channel Islands: The Story Behind the Scenery Peter C. Howorth 1982
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The Chumash Robert O. Gibson 1991
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Santa Barbara Island Marla Daily, ed. 1993
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Island of the Cowboys: Santa Rosa Island Kerry Blankenship Allen, ed. 1996
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California's Channel Islands: 1001 Questions Answered Marla Daily 1997
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Channel Islands National Park Susan Lamb 2000
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Channel Islands National Park and National Marine Sanctuary Tim Hauf 2008
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San Miguel Island: My Childhood Memoir, 1930-1942 Betsy Lester Roberti 2008
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The California Channel Islands: Images of America Marla Daily 2012
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Channel Islands National Park and National Marine Sanctuary California's Galapagos Tim Hauf and Sharon Vincent 2013
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California's Channel Islands: A History Frederick Caire Chiles 2015
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The Island: Reminiscences of Twentieth century ranching on Santa Rosa Island Pete Healey 2017
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Anacapa Island: Images of America Marla Daily 2018
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North America's Galapagos: The Historic Channel Islands Biological Survey Corinne Heyning Laverty 2020
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Restoring Nature: The Evolution of Channel Islands National Park Lary M. Dilsaver and Timothy J. Babalis 2023