LITERATURE. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Government publications on Crater Lake National Park may be obtained as indicated below. Separate communications should be addressed to the officers mentioned. The sale publications may be purchased by personal application to the superintendent of the park, but that officer can not fill mail orders. DISTRIBUTED FREE BY THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE. The following publications may be obtained free on written application to the Director of the National Park Service, or by personal application to the office of the superintendent of the park: Glimpses of our National Parks. 48 pages. Contains descriptions of the most important features of the principal national parks. Automobile road map of Crater Lake National Park. Shows the park road system, hotels, camps, garages, superintendent's office, routes to the park, etc. Also contains short description of Crater Lake and suggestions for motorists. Map of National Parks and National Monuments. Shows location of all the national parks and monuments administered by the National Park Service and all railroad routes to these reservations. SOLD BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. The following publications may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at the prices given. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash: The National Parks Portfolio. By Robert Sterling Yard. 260 pages, including 270 illustrations. Pamphlet edition, loose in flexible cover, 35 cents; book edition, containing same material securely bound in cloth, 55 cents. Contains nine sections, each descriptive of a national park and one larger section devoted to other parks and monuments. Geological History of Crater Lake, by J. S. Diller, 32 pages, including 28 illustrations. Price, 10 cents. Contains an account of the formation of Crater Lake. Forests of Crater Lake National Park, by J. F. Pernot. 1916. 40 pages, including 26 illustrations. Price, 20 cents.1 Contains descriptions of the forest cover and of the principal species.
ALLEN, E. F. A guide to the national parks of America. 1918. 338 pp. BRYCE, JAMES. University and historical addresses. 1913. 433 pp. National parksthe need of the future, pp. 389-406. DILLER, J. S., and PATTON, H. B. Geology and petrography of Crater Lake National Park. Professional Paper No. 3, U. S. Geological Survey. 1902. 167 pp. FINCK, H. T. Pacific coast scenic tour. 1890. 309 pp., illustrated. Crater Lake on pp. 157-158. FOUNTAIN, PAUL. The eleven eaglets of the West. 1906. 362 pp. Crater Lake on pp. 46-49. HERBERTSON, F. D., and A. J. Descriptive geography from original sources; North America. 1901. 252 pp. Crater Lake on pp. 166-167. MILLS, ENOS A. Your National Parks. 532 pp., illustrated. Price, $2.50. Houghton Mifflin, 1917. Crater Lake on pp. 137-147; 470-474. RUSSELL, I. C. Lakes of North America. 1895. 125 pp. Crater Lake on pp. 20-21. ______. Volcanoes of North America. 1897. 346 pp. Crater Lake on pp. 235-236. STEEL, W. G. The mountains of Oregon. 1890. 112 pp. Crater Lake on pp. 12-33. VICTOR, FRANCES FULLER. Atlantis arisen. 1891. 412 pp. Crater Lake on pp. 179-183. YARD, ROBERT STERLING. The top of the continent. 1917. 244 pp., Illustrated. Crater Lake on pp. 140-160. ______. The Book of the National Parks. 1919. 420 pp., 76 illustrations, 16 maps and diagrams. Crater Lake on pp. 184-201.
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